School of Hospitality & Tourism raises $6,398 for women’s shelter

Algonquin College’s School of Hospitality and Tourism launched their much-anticipated holiday fundraiser in support of Cornerstone Housing for Women on Nov. 21, 2023. Their $75 Holiday Starter Kits, which included a non-alcoholic cocktail, appetizer and treats for up to four guests, sold out in a record three days.

The kit featured canapés and cocktails from renowned culinary experts under the guidance of accomplished professionals Cathy Dewar, Manager of Restaurant International, and Tanya Skeates, Algonquin College Chef Instructor.

Today, Dewar and Skeates, alongside President and CEO Claude Brulé, and with the support of many hardworking staff and student volunteers, presented Cornerstone with a cheque for $6,398.15, the result of a meaningful and ultimately successful fundraiser.

Cornerstone Housing for Women representative, Amber, stands with student and staff volunteers as well as the College's President and CEO, holding the donation cheque. Individuals pictured are staggered on the stairs and all culinary staff and students are wearing their Chef whites.

President & CEO, Claude Brulé, fundraiser leads, Chef Tanya Skeates and Cathy Dewar, alongside volunteer staff and students, present donation to Cornerstone Housing for Women Director of Development and Communications, Amber Bramer.

Cornerstone has faced many challenges this year including a fire which rendered one of their units within the residence inhabitable and an increase in food costs that has taken a bite out of the women’s shelter meal program. This donation comes at a pivotal time for Cornerstone — a period in which Cornerstone is relying heavily on community support to continue offering critical programs and services to women and gender-diverse people in need.

Congratulations to our School of Hospitality and Tourism on another successful fundraiser, this year your hard work has helped give the gift of hope, healing and housing!

Didn’t have a chance to purchase a Holiday Starter Kit but still interested in supporting Cornerstone? Use this link to donate today.

All you Need to Know about Campus Services for the Winter Term!

How to find your course materials

Winter Term Booklists for registered students at the Ottawa, Perth, and Pembroke campuses are now available online. To receive your booklist, students can use their AC Network credentials to access their Booklists.

If you’re an Algonquin College Online student, you can find your textbooks by using the Textbook Search by your specific course number.


Course materials can be accessed either in-store, or online

The Campus Store and the Print Shop (Located in H Building) are open Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:45 pm!

Online Options:

-Order through the online store.

-Pick-up is available at the Ottawa Campus, either in-store (Click & Collect) or contactless curbside pick-up.

-Pick-up will be available at the Pembroke campus on Monday to Thursday from 10 am to 2 pm and Friday from 10 am to 1 pm Hours may be adjusted based on Campus events. Click & Collect is also available at the Perth campus, with shipping available from Canada, the United States, and internationally.


What if you’re having trouble accessing their Booklist?

If you are experiencing difficulties accessing your Booklist, please refer to our frequently asked questions for troubleshooting tips as delayed access to Booklist may be related to late registration, program prerequisites, etc.


How and where can I receive AC Card, employee card, and or U-Pass?

Located in the Marketplace Food Court (D Building), there is a pop-up Card Service centre that will be open from Jan. 2 to Jan. 18, between the hours of 8:30 am to 4:30 pm on weekdays, for card pick-up by appointment and U-Pass renewal.

If you are a new student, you are required to submit a photo online to begin the process of getting your AC Card and U-Pass. Once your cards are ready, you will receive an email with pick-up instructions.

Most returning students will not need to renew their U-Pass. However, students who did not receive or renew a U-Pass for the Fall 2022 term, and/or students whose status or program has changed, are advised to visit our FAQ website that outlines the Winter 2023 AC Card and U-Pass processes by student group and status.


Available Food Services on Campus

All seven Food Services locations at the Ottawa Campus are open:

-Marketplace Food Court (D Building)

-35th Street Market Café (Residence)

-The Fix Eatery (ACCE Building)

-Tim Hortons (A Building)

-Booster Juice (E Building)

-Portable Feast (B Building)

-Bits N’ Bytes (T Building)


Keep an eye out this term for exciting activities in our food service locations! Learn more on our Food Services website.


On Campus Printing Services

New student print balances for the Winter 2023 term will be available on Jan. 2, 2023, for full-time students who have paid the full IT Fee.

Mobility Print is an easy and secure method of printing to College FindMe printers, allowing users to print directly from phones, tablets or laptop computers. Instructions and information for printing on campus can be found here.

If you are an employee and need help with printing services, please visit our website for more information.


How to Rent A Locker

Ottawa Campus lockers for the Winter Term are now available for rent on ACSIS for just $20.35 per term. For more information, how-to videos and frequently asked questions, please visit the lockers page on the parking website.


On Campus Parking Services

If you are on campus for the Winter Term, there are a variety of short-term parking options available at the Ottawa campus. Visit the Campus Services website for more information.

The parking options selector can assist with determining which parking option best meets your parking needs.

If you are interested in purchasing a permit option that is currently sold out, please join the waitlist through the Parking portal and the parking team will notify you if permits become available.


For more information about Campus Services, please visit our FAQ or contact us at!