Posted on Tuesday, February 14th, 2023
Hearts are delicate and require TLC. That tender loving care comes in many forms, including heart health and proper treatment and diagnosis.
If your heart needs some medical TLC, chances are you may meet a Registered Cardiology Technologist (RCT). An RCT is the front-line worker you will encounter regarding the diagnosis and treatment of heart arrhythmias and heart disease.
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Posted on Monday, February 13th, 2023
In recognition of Black History Month 2023, Jamie Bramburger, Manager of Community and Student Affairs at Algonquin College’s Pembroke Campus, sat down for a conversation with retired Assistant Curator of Buxton National Historic Site and Museum, Spencer Alexander. The conversation, entitled “Black To The Past,” explored themes related to Black history in education, Black history appreciation, the importance of Black history preservation and dispelled Canada-specific Black history myths and misconceptions.
Alexander is a sixth-generation underground railroad descendant. He has presented to classrooms across North America, teaching children and young adults about Black Canadian history and cultural diversity. He’s spoken twice at the UN International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination and has helped numerous authors and historians conduct research and review genealogy.
Diane McCutcheon, Algonquin College’s Vice President, Human Resources, kicked off the conversation by presenting the audience with a $10 bill, a tender which carries the image of historic civil rights activist and Black businesswomen, Viola Desmond.
“Viola Desmond was a Black woman, a Nova Scotian and a student who continued furthering her education even after she was told that she wasn’t the right colour to learn. Viola Desmond is a historic Canadian figure whose story too few of us here know. Her history isn’t only Black history, it’s part of Canada’s history, it’s your history,” said McCutcheon.
Bramburger then opened the conversation to Alexander, who used his storytelling skills to share historic information about his family’s journey from the United States to Canada and the racism they faced throughout their lives.
Alexander also pointed to the ongoing and systemic challenges in Black history education which tragically results in many Black stories going unheard.
“In the beginning a lot of people didn’t want to talk about (Black history), it wasn’t taught in schools,” he said. “History, in my opinion, has always been written by the oppressor or the victor, it’s not inclusive, so it’s a one-sided history. In order for history to be correct and real it has to be inclusive of all the races that have made this country what it is today.”
Alexander closed the chat by sharing a compelling and hopeful outlook on the advancement of human rights in Canada and beyond.
“I have a dream that one day history will be taught inclusively, that all people can get along,” said Alexander. “See every race, every person, has their own dreams and aspirations, and every family — everyone here has their family history and each one’s family history is of equal importance and equal interest…. The more you get to know and understand people of different cultures, the more accepting you become of them and you’re going to find out that they’re people just like you — everybody bleeds red.”
To watch the full conversation, click here.
Posted on Monday, February 13th, 2023
Feb. 13 to Feb. 20 is AC Kindness Week — a time to recognize random acts of kindness and celebrate all the ways that we can be a positive influence in each other’s lives.
Throughout the week we will be sharing a few ways that you can demonstrate small acts of kindness in your Algonquin College community on social media. To kick off the week, we sat down with Leah Grimes, a Volunteer Support Specialist in Student Support Services at the Ottawa Campus, to chat about the AC Volunteer Centre and how you can spread kindness in your community and beyond through volunteerism.
Q: What volunteer opportunities are available through the AC Volunteer Centre?
A: There are a number of ways to get involved with the AC Volunteer Centre:
On-Campus Events
These are events that are organized by different departments across campus that need volunteer support. Examples of these events are AC Day 1, the Career Networking Fair and the Culture Fair. Learners fill roles such as greeting, giving directions, serving food, etc.
Off-Campus Events
These are events that are organized by external community partners within Ottawa. These include H.O.P.E. Volleyball Summerfest, Ottawa Bluesfest and the Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival. Volunteers fill roles such as food servers, greeters, administrators etc.
Community Projects
The AC Volunteer Centre organizes half-day trips to different community partners for special projects such as helping out at an urban farm, handing out food at the Salvation Army or cleaning up a park within the City of Ottawa.
Community Partner Opportunities
These are longer-term opportunities to volunteer with a community partner on an extended basis. These positions range from administrative support to event planning, tutoring and more.
Q: What impact does the AC Volunteer Centre have on our community and the global community at large?
A: Volunteering at on-campus events allows students to connect with the campus community and contribute meaningfully to the College culture. The AC Volunteer Centre is aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Volunteering, whether it is within the campus community or with the greater Ottawa community, supports these goals. When students volunteer at a local food bank, they are helping to reduce the effects of poverty by reducing food insecurity. When a student volunteers for an organization such as Pathways to Education, they support students gaining better access to specialized programming that can help them excel academically.
Q: How can students spread kindness through volunteerism with the AC Volunteer Centre? And how do students get started?
A: Students spread kindness through volunteerism by helping out in their communities without expecting anything in return. Students develop empathy for others and learn about the struggles that other people face. They take that empathy and make meaningful contributions to their communities.
Volunteer Mailing List
Students can sign up on our volunteer mailing list using this link. Emails are sent to this list of students when volunteer opportunities arise.
Appointment Booking
You can book an appointment to speak with us about volunteer opportunities and getting connected to our community partners. We are hoping that this will help you in connecting with relevant and meaningful volunteer experience during your time at Algonquin College. You can book appointments by visiting our website or by using the link below.
Click Here to Book an Appointment
Please note that because this is a new service, we have limited availability per week. All meetings will be held via Zoom, unless otherwise requested.
Community Partners
The AC Volunteer Centre is connected with about 100 community partners who are always looking for volunteers. You can browse these community partners and the volunteer opportunities available on our website, scroll to the bottom of the webpage and click “Community Partners.”