AAADD program making a difference in the lives of local learners

“The activities and the work we do here is fun and I like it a lot.” two men in their mid 20s sitting arm and arm smiling in an office.

This is the sentiment from 22-year-old, Jesse Cruz, a student in in the Academic Assistance for Adults with Developmental Disabilities (AAADD) program. AAADD curriculum offers adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to further their academic skills as well as build social skills within a college environment, or in an online, remote setting.
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Derick Fage speaks at International Day of Persons with Disabilities event

On this International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Derick Fage joined the Algonquin College community to give a compelling and vulnerable talk about his experience living with an invisible disability.

Fage is the host and producer of Daytime Ottawa at Rogers TV and the President of the Canadian Continence Foundation — a cause he has championed since going public with his personal struggle of living with chronic fecal incontinence since birth. Fage’s candid conversation focused on what he’s coined “The Relentless Pursuit of Happiness”, an inspirational chat about how he overcame the mental health challenges, loneliness and shame he’s faced as a result of his disability.

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You asked, the President answered: Press conference addresses student questions

More than 50 students across the College’s broadcasting and journalism programs compiled a list of 14 questions for President and CEO Claude Brulé which they posed at the Nov. 18 Storytelling Fundamentals Press Conference held at Algonquin College.

Questions covered topics such as housing affordability, disability support, the future of remote learning, sexual assault prevention, COVID-19 protocols, vegetarian options on campus and the College’s enforcement of outstanding campus policies. Students also took the opportunity to become better acquainted with the President, delving into more personal questions such as how music has impacted his life and how his career journey influenced where he is today.

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