May 7-13 is Emergency Preparedness Week

As May 7-13 marks Emergency Preparedness Week, it’s ironic that our regiongroup shot of students learning about Emergency Preparedness Week continues to deal with the threat posed by flooding. It’s a reminder of the reality that emergencies and disasters can and do happen, and we only need to look to our most recent past to further appreciate this fact. Since 2017 alone, our region has experienced two significant flood events, a tornado touchdown, a global pandemic and a derecho windstorm.

Each one of these occurrences was not without consequence and they impacted our communities in many ways.  Read more >

National Mental Health Awareness Week: May 1-May 7 

Today kicks off Canada’s 72nd annual Mental Health Awareness Week (MHAW), from May 1 to May 7. This year’s theme is #MyStory — an opportunity to share your story to build stronger connections and community and reduce the stigma around mental health while bolstering the supports available for mental health across Canada.

For MHAW, the Canadian Mental Health Association is focused on using storytelling as a tool to advocate for the mental health care that we all need. Share your story using the hashtag #MyStory to be a part of the conversation.

Algonquin College employees are encouraged to check out the Mental Health Week Calendar for information on mental health and wellness activities happening at the Ottawa Campus and virtually from May 1 to May 5. Learners can also focus on their mental wellness by taking part in information sessions and activities to prepare themselves for the spring term and learn important tools for stress management, mental wellness and resiliency.

Learners and employees can also revisit the events of Algonquin College’s past Mental Health Awareness Week, Jan. 23 to Jan. 27, to learn from prominent Canadian mental health experts about tools for coping with anxiety and depression in the classroom.

For learners in need of mental health support throughout the year, please reach out to Student Support Services. In addition, a number of helpful apps and online tools can be found on the Counselling website.

Employees in need of mental health support can a find detailed list of supports provided by the Wellness and Abilities team and are encouraged to reach out to Human Resources. Employees may also wish to connect with LifeWorks, the AC Employee Family Assistance Program. Several helpful apps and online tools can also be found on the Counselling website.

Culinary students cook for a cause — producing 950 meals for Ottawa Food Bank  

Algonquin College students cooked for a cause on April 25, 2023 as part of the La Tablée des Chefs’ Solidarity Kitchen – Next Generation Edition project. AC’s culinary students produced a total of 950 meals for the Ottawa Food Bank that will feed vulnerable people in the Ottawa community who are seeking emergency food assistance.

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