Marking the beginning of National Indigenous History Month

Students from the Early Childhood Education program were visited bygroup shot of ECE students holding handmade dolls dollmaker Rose Moses for a lesson on Indigenous doll making. While this activity helps practice fine motor skills, the Indigenization elements are part of the curriculum to incorporate Indigenous knowledge into classroom learning.

Algonquin College students’ game design wins big

Online educational games are big business, but also a fun way for children togroup shot of winning design team working at Ingenium Innovation Lab event learn about important issues. A recent competition hosted by the Ingenium Innovation Lab has greenlit the creativity and passion of a group of Algonquin College students to create a fun and educational product for young learners.

Their product, Artifice, is a climate action themed educational game, and was recently awarded $15,000 along with dedicated funding and mentorship to further develop the proof-of-concept into a marketable, educational product for youth. The game will be available to the public in 2024. Read more >

Wayfinding at the Ottawa Campus

Algonquin College has a new wayfinding webpage with the following information:

    • Maps of every building and every floor.
    • Campus maps of levels 1 and 2.
    • Searchable campus directory listing.
    • How to read a room number.
    • Quick Links to Where to Eat, where to find All Gender Washrooms, and more….

These new online campus maps have been thoughtfully designed to help guide learners and visitors while on campus or ahead of arriving to campus. These maps are in an easy to read PDF format which allows users to zoom in and find destinations at any size. Maps can be printed or loaded to a mobile device.

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