Meet valedictorian Melissa Marchand

As we prepare for the upcoming 2023 Spring Convocation, we are pleased toWhite background with headshot of valedictorian and logo highlight our valedictorians who will be speaking to their respective classes during their ceremonies.

Question: What were some highlights from your time at Algonquin?

Answer: I’ve had many highlights from my last four years, but some of the recent ones include the ample opportunities to network with industry professionals in interior design.

Check out more of our Q&A with Melissa in this short video.

Learn more about the Algonquin College convocation ceremonies.

Embedding Indigenous curriculum leads to meaningful and significant change

Last fall, Shelia Grantham and Kerry Potts began working as IndigenousIshkadowean courtyard at night pedagogy and curriculum consultants at Algonquin College in the Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) department. The goal of LTS is to foster a culture of teaching innovation and excellence and build relationships with faculty, academic schools and applied research that support strategic collaboration, pedagogical and technological exploration and ideas sharing. As part of their mandate, Grantham and Potts, in their roles with LTS will further advance the TRC’s Calls to Action relating to Indigenous education.
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2SLGBTQ+ resources for allyship & support at Algonquin College

At Algonquin College we’re on a mission to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success. We understand that success looks different for everyone, and that each person’s journey is paved with its own set of challenges.

Understanding the individual nature of one’s journey also means providing individualized support for the challenges one faces. From bursaries to training sessions, Algonquin College is committed to providing 2SLGBTQ+ community members and allies with tailored supports that go beyond rainbow logos, pink t-shirts, and public diversity statements to address individualized needs.

In honour of Pride Month, we’ve compiled a list of Algonquin College resources that can help ensure every member of the AC community – form student to staff – has a safe and positive College experience.

Pride at Work Canada

Algonquin College is a proud member of Pride at Work Canada, an organization that empowers Canadian employers to build workplaces that celebrate all employees regardless of gender expression, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Pride at Work Canada has hosted several webinars for Algonquin College employees that provide actionable recommendations for allyship in the workplace and beyond. Sign up to attend an event or learn more on the Pride at Work website.

AC Name Badge

Pronouns are important, everyone deserves to be recognized authentically. Include your pronouns or those of a team member when requesting a new Algonquin College employee name badge. Employee name badges can be requested by completing this form.

2SLGBTTIQ+ Glossary

Part of being a good ally is building up knowledge and understanding. Algonquin College’s 2SLGBTQ+ Glossary is a great resource if you encounter an unfamiliar term or need clarity on something.

AC Rainbow Bursary

Established during Pride Month 2021 the AC Rainbow Bursary provides financial assistance to students who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, with special consideration given to students who identify as Black, Indigenous, disabled, trans and/or non-binary. Students may use the bursary to purchase books, supplies, gender-affirming clothing, basic necessities, or anything else they need to feel secure and supported. Registered students can apply for the bursary through the ACSIS portal.

Counselling Services

Navigating gender identity or sexuality isn’t always easy but Algonquin College’s Counselling Services ensure that students have the support they need to succeed at home and in the classroom. AC’s Counselling Services include one-on-one sessions, workshops, group sessions, and community referrals so that students can feel supported no matter their mental health and wellness needs. To learn more about the services offered or make an appointment with a college counsellor, visit

Capital Pride

Algonquin College participates annually in Capital Pride with an AC float each August, loud and proud! Past Capital Pride parades have featured more than 150 marching groups, floats and other contingents. Mark your calendars and make sure to tag us once you spot us!