Money Talks – How cash-savvy are you?

November is Financial Literacy Month! How money-savvy are you? Here, we get tips from Financialmartin Aid and Student Awards Coordinator Martine Plouffe about spending, saving, and understanding fee deferments.

Tip #1: Have a financial check-in.

We are at the halfway mark for the term already. (Enter shocked face emoticon.) Do you have enough to make it through the term and the holidays? Read more >

IgniteAC, Algonquin’s entrepreneurial fire starter

ignite_acThe IgniteAC Centre is the one-stop shop for anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset, who is looking for the resources to help get them started. With people like Algonquin College’s own Godfrey Joekumar walking away with not only a successful Algonquin club (Startup Launchpad), but also his own company (BookPort), the IgniteAC Centre has proven that they’re the place to be if you are an entrepreneur, or someone with hopes of becoming one. Below are the top five ways the IgniteAC Centre helps get entrepreneurs off the ground.

1. Mentorships

One of the most important components of becoming an entrepreneur, is surrounding yourself with skilled individuals to help guide you along your way. The IgniteAC Centre helps connect you mentors, from a variety of different industries, that can support you through your entrepreneurial journey, with mentors specializing in a variety of different departments. Need to perfect your sales pitch? They have, or can provide, an expert for that. Legal questions? Expert. General inquiries? The IgniteAC Centre has, or can direct you to, the professionals available to ensure that your business questions can be effectively answered, with experts ranging from Algonquin staff, to industry professionals throughout Ottawa. Speaking of which… Read more >

Library Closure: What you need to know

The Library will be closed next Saturday, Monday and Tuesday (September 24, 26 and 27) so that it can be packed up and moved to its new temporary location in A building. It will also be closed as usual on Sunday.

There will also be some disruption on Thursday and Friday (September 22 and 23), when the Library will be open but there will be no access to the main collection.

The Library will reopen in A158, its new temporary location, the following Wednesday, September 28.

A temporary Library kiosk will be set up outside the current library on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday (September 24, 26 and 27), where many of the usual services will be offered, including:

Daily laptop loansAlgonquinCollege
Renewal / circulation
Reference / research
Alternate print and computer locations (24/7)
Information related to move, hours and opening
General technical questions / information
AsktheLibrary services (email, phone, chat)

The kiosk hours are:

Saturday, September 24: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Monday September 26: 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Tuesday September 27: 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Full details about the move-out from C Building and the construction will soon be available on a
dedicated website. Watch myAC for details.

Please also note that as part of the construction of the C Building expansion project, exterior wall masonry investigation work will be conducted on C Building beginning September 19. This construction activity will start at 6 a.m. and will end at 8 a.m. beginning on Monday, September 19 and continuing to Friday, September 23, 2016.