Attending College for the first time? No worries.

Moving away from home and starting college is exciting. Even if you have been looking forward to this day for years, you might start to feel anxious about the next stage of your life. What will college be like? What if I don’t make any friends? What if I get lost on my way to class? These are some of the most common fears first-year students have, but with a little preparation, you can start to put those fears to rest.

Will I Fit In? Yes!

Are you moving to Ottawa? The thought of going away to a new place and a different school where you don’t really know anyone can be unsettling. However, the Algonquin College campus provides numerous ways to get out, get involved, and meet people. Read more >

Balancing Act : 3 tips to balancing school and family life!

A Balancing Act

Be your best at school, home and work

Returning to college is difficult. Juggling family, work and school may seem overwhelming. Algonquin College can help.

3 tips to balance school and family life:

  • Embrace technology: Online courses and lectures give you greater control of your daily schedule. It no longer has to be a choice between class and a child’s soccer match.
  • Use free time: Homework competes with home life. Use hours between lessons to complete assignments, study for tests and work on projects.
  • Manage stress: Stress affects every aspect of your life. Do not allow school pressures to dictate how you talk and act with family. Talk to them and be open; find solutions together.

No two students are in the exact same situation. If you are looking to upgrade, train for a new career, or have just been away from school for a long period of time, make sure you check out the services:

We know it’s a balancing act. We can help. Speak with someone today.

Counselling Services
613-727-4723 ext. 7200