AC will mark National Indigenous Peoples Day with strawberries and storytelling

Algonquin College will join this week with other organizations, local and national, to celebrate National Indigenous Peoples Day.

On Thursday, June 21, the Mamidosewin Centre will host a storytelling event in the DARE District’s Indigenous Commons that highlights Indigenous traditions tied to the arrival of summer. It is open to the entire College community.

Entitled “Honouring the Heart-Shaped Berry,” the noon to 2 p.m. event will offer stories that relate the importance of harvesting strawberries as a symbol of new life as well as their value as a medicine for healing and reconciliation. Guests will enjoy strawberry drinks and desserts as they listen.
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Critter care: Welcome to vet tech Christine Archer’s animal house

It’s a tired cliché: a little girl grows up dreaming of a career in animal care because, well, dogs are loveable and cats cuddly. That stereotype needs to meet Christine Archer.

“I am an unabashed reptile nerd and fish nerd. I love non-mammals in general and will talk about them at length,” says Archer, who graduated from Algonquin’s Veterinary Technician Program in 2009.

It’s not that Archer doesn’t love cute, furry mammals — she counts three rescue cat among her beloved “critters” — but her respect for animals is so much broader. It is founded as much on a keen interest in science as on natural empathy. Read more >

The right touch: Massage Therapy alumni making an impact

Emilie McKay’s advanced diploma in Massage Therapy from Algonquin College has taken her in directions she never imagined. The skills and techniques she learned in the three-year program opened the doors, she says, but it was the self-assurance instilled by her college professors that allowed her to push through.

“The most important lesson I learned through Algonquin was to take any opportunity that was presented to me,” McKay says. “I’ve been very fortunate to have had a lot of opportunities in my career so far. Having that drive and confidence that Algonquin created for me meant that I’m not going to close these doors; I’m going to keep them open and see where they take me.” Read more >