Algonquin College’s new Indigenous spaces

NawaponEarlier this month, Algonquin College announced the names of the new Indigenous spaces that can be found around campus: Nawapon, The Lodge, Ishkodewan, Pìdàban, and the Kejeyàdizidjigwogaming. While these names may be unfamiliar now, their meanings are deeply rooted in Indigenous culture and teachings. Below are the meaning behind these new spaces at Algonquin College: Read more >

RE/ACTION Applied Research Showcase shows off AC’s cutting edge projects

The Algonquin College Office of Applied Research & Innovation will be hosting its RE/ACTION: Applied Research Showcase on Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2018.

This showcase demonstrates leading-edge applied research that is done in collaboration with industry, institutional, and community partners, to provide a glimpse into technology of the future and the current state of innovation. Read more >

Seven alumni up for Premier’s Awards

Seven Algonquin alumni will be vying for 2018 Premier’s Awards on Monday night!

The annual, provincial awards will be handed out in Toronto. The Premier’s Awards honour the important social and economic contribution that college graduates make to Ontario and throughout the world. The awards were launched in 1992 and are administered by Colleges Ontario. Read more >