Posted on Thursday, April 22nd, 2021
This week is Global Volunteer Week, a week where we examine the different ways that we can help give back to the community. Support is needed now more than ever, and Algonquin College is always looking for different ways that we can lend a hand within the City. Algonquin College has partnered with Kind Village Inc. to launch Project In-Kind: Campus Edition in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) and local communities experiencing the impacts of COVID-19.
Together, the partners will activate 20,000+ students, staff, and faculty across Algonquin College’s campuses and support over 500 charities and non-profit organizations in an experiential learning and community support effort. Read more >
Posted on Friday, April 9th, 2021
Many post-secondary students are filing a tax return for the first time this year. Our friends at Canada Revenue Agency have put together some simple tips that can help you maximize your returns, and make filing your taxes a breeze!
Why students should file their taxes
Filing often leads to extra cash in the bank. Even if you’re not making much money, chances are you’re eligible for some benefits and credits.
Did you know that most of the money you spend on tuition may be used to claim a tax credit? The credit is non-refundable, meaning it will reduce your federal tax up to the amount of tax owing.
Even if you didn’t make enough money last year to need the credit, you can carry it forward to after university, saving you money later when you owe tax on your income. You can also transfer it to your family or partner to help them reduce their tax owing. Read more >
Posted on Thursday, April 8th, 2021
Imagine a carefully choreographed routine in a closed classroom where a collection of robotic arms rise and sweep ultraviolet light across desktops, eliminating bacteria and viruses before the doors open and the professor and students walk in to begin their work for the day.
This balletic sanitizing creation is the brainchild of three classmates in the Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technician program who are participating in this year’s RE/ACTION Applied Research Showcase: Ellington Ferrall, Mahdi Fawaz and Taghride Farhat. All three have been working furiously to complete their prototype for presentation virtually on April 9, 2021.
Ferrall, 25, the team lead, says the design of the robotic arms has undergone many changes since the idea was first proposed.
“Originally, it was going to be an arm that sits on one spot in the corner and reaches out to wipe a UVC light over the top of the desk,” Ferrall says. “That changed to a rail system that fits under the desk and brings out the light, moves it across the desk along the rail, and resets itself after every use.” Read more >