IgniteAC Centre wins Startup Canada Award!

The IgniteAC Centre has won the Startup Canada Entrepreneur Support Award (Ontario)!

The award recognizes “government organizations, not-for-profits, academic institutions and private for-profit businesses that demonstrate excellence in advancing Canadian entrepreneurship through their leadership, innovation and impact.”

“When President Cheryl Jensen officially launched the IgniteAC Entrepreneurship Centre in February of 2016, she pledged Algonquin College’s leadership commitment to instilling a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship throughout the College,” said Cristina Holguin-Pando, director Partnerships, Applied Research & Innovation, Entrepreneurship,

“In a very short time, IgniteAC has made a mark in the Ottawa innovation ecosystem, offering a pathway for industry and community to link to an incredible pool of entrepreneurial talent,” added Holguin-Pando, who accepted the award on behalf of the College. “This recognition is so well deserved, and it’s a testament to the amazing things that the College is doing to graduate change makers to the world.”

The IgniteAC Centre’s vision is to create and provide an ecosystem of people, programs, partnerships and resources that offers students, faculty and staff experiential learning with a focus on IGNITING their innovation skills and entrepreneurial endeavours. The Centre provides programs and services such as co-working space, workshops, events, mentorship, SUMMIT, and connections to the Algonquin and Ottawa ecosystem.


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