His heart is in the right place

On any given day, Fernando Castellanos Mateus can be found caring forProfile of Fernando Castellanos wearing hospital scrubs next to an ECG machine, hearts.

As a cardiology technologist, Castellanos, 47, works between the University of Ottawa Heart Institute’s clinics and labs and the Ottawa Hospital’s intensive care unit administering electrocardiogram (ECG) tests to those needing cardiac care.

“It’s a fast and easy test that takes a few seconds, but you can learn a lot of information in that time,” said Castellanos.

An ECG test records the electrical signals in the heart. It’s a painless process used to quickly detect heart problems and monitor the heart’s health.

He has been working as a cardiology technologist since 2022.

“I started my job as a casual worker after my first placement, and after my second placement I started working full-time,” he said. That placement, which occurred during his time studying at Algonquin College, has led to a career at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

Castellanos graduated with a Cardiovascular Technology diploma in 2022. He credits his training at Algonquin College as what led to his current career.

“When I started my courses, I was pleased by the services, opportunities and those who helped the students learn,” said Castellanos. “During the pandemic I did programs online. I could see the College was trying to preserve the quality of the teaching. The professors were exceptional. The College has excellent facilities and resources for learning.

“Clinical practice was a great opportunity to learn about health at the institutions and develop skills and to show our strengths to members of the institutions. It opened doors to obtain job positions at those same institutions.”

Algonquin College’s two-year Cardiovascular Technology Ontario College Diploma program provides learners with the essential knowledge and technical skills required to perform electrocardiograms, exercise tolerance tests and ambulatory monitoring in the role of a cardiovascular technologist. Professionals in this field work closely with patients to diagnose cardiac conditions.

Emphasizing a hands-on approach through in-class laboratory simulation and clinical practice, this program is aligned with the competencies outlined by the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists National Occupational Competency Profile. Areas of focus include performing various non-invasive cardiac testing, including electrocardiography, stress testing, ambulatory monitoring and pacemaker follow-up.

For Castellanos, Algonquin College provided the skills, and the Heart Institute provided the opportunity, but his dedication, perseverance and strong work ethic impressed instructors and employers alike.

“I have knowledge and if you are disciplined you can achieve the job. And I think the key to success is to do all things with conviction, discipline and respect. You show these skills during placement, and it is an opportunity to lead to a job.”

In addition to a positive outlook, Castellanos, who previously worked in the medical field in Colombia, arrived in Ottawa as an international student who needed to meet the English language requirements before taking the Introduction to Canadian Health Studies courses. Only after they were completed could he begin his studies in the Cardiovascular Technology diploma program.

His perseverance is only matched by his positive outlook. “I had a teacher in Colombia who told us that everything we are going to do, let’s do it well,” he said. “If you are going to sweep a floor, do it well. If you are treating a patient, do it well. If you are a technician, you strive to do it well. I think there is no more or less important job. If we all do our parts well, we obtain good results. You need to stay disciplined and show respect for the patients and your co-workers.”

When asked what advice he would give perspective students, Castellanos didn’t hesitate. “If you start a dream or a project or begin your studies, if you start with conviction and you are disciplined, you can achieve everything that you want.”

February is Heart Month. Learn more about the Health Studies programs at Algonquin College and keep an eye out for heart-healthy tips.


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