Girls gear up for the future

More than 60 girls aged 12 to 14 from Smiths Falls and Cornwall visited Algonquin College’s automotive shop on Thursday, July 4 andmiddle school girls attend automotive workshop Friday, July 5. They took part in various activities as part of the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) affiliated with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO).

This is the third year the CDSBEO has run this day camp program and the first year that Algonquin College has participated.

The faculty had the students cycle through four activity stations: introduction to electricity, introduction to hydraulics, highway tractor familiarization and wheel and tire changing on cars.

middle school girls attend automotive workshop middle school girls attend automotive workshop


Each day allowed the participants to learn about different skills and trades including welding, carpentry, transportation and millwright manufacturing.

As a bonus for each cohort, the Smiths Falls group will attend car races at Brockville Ontario Speedway on Saturday evening, and the Cornwall cohort will attend races at the Cornwall Motor Speedway on Sunday.

The OYAP offers Grade 12 students the opportunity to attend Level 01 apprenticeship classes at the College during their Grade 12 year. This gives them dual credits towards their high school diploma and Level 01 apprenticeship. In addition, they will be a registered apprentice in the chosen field upon course completion.

For the middle school attendees, it allows them the opportunity to dip their toes in traditionally male-dominated fields and consider this is an area to learn about further in the future.


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