Front-line workers looking after your heart

Hearts are delicate and require TLC. That tender loving care comes in manytwo female students in scrubs. One using a blood pressure cuff on the other to check blood pressure forms, including heart health and proper treatment and diagnosis.

If your heart needs some medical TLC, chances are you may meet a Registered Cardiology Technologist (RCT). An RCT is the front-line worker you will encounter regarding the diagnosis and treatment of heart arrhythmias and heart disease.

The two-year Cardiovascular Technology Ontario College diploma program at Algonquin College provides learners with the essential knowledge and technical skills required to perform electrocardiograms, exercise tolerance tests and ambulatory monitoring in the role of a cardiology technologist. Professionals in this field work closely with patients to diagnose cardiac conditions.

Our rich laboratory and clinical experiences foster active learning and critical thinking. Our curriculum prepares graduates for the life-long learning of cardiovascular health, said Karen Tran, Faculty and Program Coordinator, Cardiovascular Technology.

Learning at Algonquin College emphasizes a hands-on approach through in-class laboratory simulation and clinical practice. This program is aligned with the competencies outlined by the Canadian Society of Cardiology Technologists (CSCT) National Occupational Competency Profile (NOCP). Areas of focus include performing various non-invasive cardiac testing such as:

  • electrocardiography
  • stress testing
  • ambulatory monitoring
  • pacemaker follow-up

Students develop critical thinking by integrating knowledge of cardiac anatomy, pharmacology and various pathophysiology to provide accurate diagnostic information to members of the health care team.

Graduates of this program are eligible to take the CSCT national certification exam. Upon successful completion of this exam, graduates become an RCT. This provides employment opportunities across Canada in:

  • hospitals
  • private cardiac clinics
  • physicians’ offices
  • cardiac rehabilitation centres
  • pacemaker clinics
  • ambulatory monitoring health services
  • medical sales or research

To learn more about our program visit this link. To see our program in action, watch this short video.


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