Diane McCutcheon, Vice President, Human Resources, celebrates retirement after 34 years of service

With rousing tributes, including a musical sendoff from her team, Diane McCutcheon celebrated her retirement after serving as the Vice President, Human Resources at Algonquin College for the past five and a half years – and an AC career spanning 34 years.

Well wishers, including many returning AC retirees, gathered in Nawapon to toast Diane, who was joined by her husband and children for the celebration. Over her multi-decade career at the College, she has provided leadership and strategic direction in the development of the organization’s human resources strategy for nearly six years. She led, coached and mentored a group of human resources professionals who add value and deliver a high standard of services that align to Algonquin College’s Strategic Business Plan. Diane served as a strategic advisor to the president and Board of Governors on human resources matters.

“You have been an integral contributor to building productive union/management relationships, as well as providing senior-level guidance to the Algonquin College executive and leadership team in all aspects of human resources, whether it be labour, legal, employee-relations matters, diversity or benefits. And you have always been a champion of employee engagement based on a culture of trust, respect and service,” said President and CEO Claude Brulé about Diane’s service. Adding, “Diane, you have approached your roles and responsibilities with compassion, empathy and understanding, bringing a true human dimension to the work of human resources. And for that we thank you and will miss you.”

To commemorate Diane’s time and legacy at the College, President Brulé announced at her retirement celebration on June 12 that one of the College’s employee awards will be named after her, to personify the attributes that capture the essence of this award: recognition of exceptional leadership, service and a passion for excellence and through whose actions and contributions have made Algonquin College the outstanding institution that it is. The Lifetime Achievement Award will now be known as the Diane McCutcheon Lifetime Achievement Award.

Diane McCutcheon gathered with colleagues at her retirement celebration on June 12, 2024.

Diane McCutcheon gathered with colleagues at her retirement celebration on June 12, 2024. Her team sang her a rendition of ‘Stand by Me.’

Prior to the vice president role, she was the director, labour relations at the College, responsible for the leadership and direction of labour relations as well as managing the grievance, arbitration and other labour relations activities. Throughout her career at the College, Diane served in progressively more challenging roles including personnel officer, human resources information system (HRIS) coordinator, manager employee relations and manager organizational effectiveness. Diane brought an understanding of the significance of the employee experience and a wealth of experience working with the College community and College system in championing a culture that embraces employee engagement into her role. She demonstrated experience in developing and promoting a culture founded on trust, respect and service. Reporting to the president and CEO, Diane has served as a member of the Algonquin College Executive Team with a strong voice representing the development and care of our employees.

Diane has been a member in good standing of the Human Resources Professional Association for over 20 years. She received the National Institute for Staff and Development (NISOD) Award of Excellence from the University of Texas in 2008 for her outstanding contributions to organizational development at Algonquin College. Diane completed her Master of Arts in Conflict Analysis and Management at Royal Roads University and holds with pride a three-year Business Administration Diploma, Major in Human Resources from Algonquin College.

All the best to you as you embark on your retirement. Congratulations, Diane!

Diane McCutcheon, Vice President, Human Resources, cutting cake at her retirement celebration.

Diane McCutcheon, Vice President, Human Resources, cutting cake at her retirement celebration.

Diane McCutcheon, Vice President, Human Resources receives Lifetime Achievement Award from Algonquin College President and CEO Claude Brulé at retirement celebration on June 12, commemorating 34 years of service.

Diane McCutcheon, Vice President, Human Resources receives a gift from Algonquin College President and CEO Claude Brulé at her retirement celebration on June 12, commemorating 34 years of service.


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