Culinary students cook for a cause — producing 950 meals for Ottawa Food Bank  

Algonquin College students cooked for a cause on April 25, 2023 as part of the La Tablée des Chefs’ Solidarity Kitchen – Next Generation Edition project. AC’s culinary students produced a total of 950 meals for the Ottawa Food Bank that will feed vulnerable people in the Ottawa community who are seeking emergency food assistance.

Algonquin College culinary students stand together in a row wearing their chef whites for a picture in one of AC's industrial kitchens.

Algonquin College culinary students participate in Ottawa Food Bank meal production.

La Tablée des Chefs’ mission is to feed and educate — fighting food insecurity and educating young people about their food autonomy as budding culinary experts. Since its start in 2002, the organization has distributed more than 13 million cooked meals and educated more than 45,000 youth through its various programs.

The Solidarity Kitchen – Next Generation Edition project mobilizes more than 500 culinary students each year. Since its beginning, the project has made it possible for culinary students to prepare and distribute more than 1.5 million meals to Quebec and Ontario food banks.

The meals prepared by students for the Ottawa Food Bank will make a dent in fighting food insecurity and has equipped them with knowledge and skills about food autonomy that they can take with them into the working world.

To make a donation to the Ottawa Food Bank visit this link.


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