Changes are coming to the 15-week term!

Algonquin College

Changes are coming to the current 15-week term model to incorporate a Mid-Term break in every semester, with the College adopting a 14-week term model for 2019-2020. This new term model will provide an opportunity to complete assignments without additional schoolwork, catch up on readings, and return to classes ready for the final weeks. This break will also allow the College to make more efficient use of facilities, and improve scheduling.

Here is what you need to know:

  1. The 14-week model that the College is implementing includes a one-week long Mid-Term break in Week 8 of each term.
  2. This week-long break grew out of concern raised by the Students’ Association (SA) regarding student success and student mental health. Students can use this time to catch up on work, assignments, and readings, meet with faculty, and return to class ready to complete the final weeks.
  3. The dates scheduled for the Mid-Term break in each term are:
  • Fall 2019: October 21-25
  • Winter 2020: February 24-28
  • Spring 2020: June 22-26

For more information about the Algonquin College 14-Week Term Model Project, click here.


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