On July 23, Corporate Training proudly welcomed the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) to celebrate the grand launch of the award-winning Fundamentals of OCAP® course, highlighting the essential Principles of Ownership, Control, Access, and Possession OCAP® related to First Nations’ data sovereignty.
Four students from Algonquin College are currently in Wollongong Australia as part of a two-and-a-half-week Indigenous student study tour.
In total, 20 students from Algonquin, Cambrian College and Georgian College arrived on July 8 and will meet Indigenous students, staff and community members from Australia as they learn and discuss the history and knowledge around Indigenous people. Continue reading
On Thursday, July 11, the Advancement & Strategy office celebrated Board of Governor member, Tanya Buckley, for her philanthropic efforts in creating The Cardel Homes Bursary and The Cardel Homes Scholarship.