
2021 Radio Stories of the Year

2021 has been an incredibly busy and challenging year that also allowed the College community to showcase its creativity, new processes, generosity and innovation.

As we look back, we invite you to check out some of these stories involving the Algonquin College community. Today we look at stories that were featured on local radio.

December 1, 2021 – CBC News Ottawa, Post-secondary students battle hopelessness as online classes drag on into 2022. Pre-recorded classes, living away from home add to sense of disconnection. Listen here.

September 30, 2021, Live 88.5 – Ron McLester speaks with the hosts of the Live 88.5 Morning Show sharing an Indigenous tale and why fire plays a significant role in Indigenous culture. Listen to the clip here

September 2, 201 – The Sam Laprade Show – President and CEO Claude Brulé speaks about the vaccination mandate and start of a new term.
Listen here.

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Returning to the Workplace: Adjusting to the Post-Pandemic Work Environment

The prospect of returning to an in-person work environment can be daunting. While the changing nature of the COVID-19 pandemic keeps many employees working from home, the shift back to a traditional office environment is anticipated once the pandemic subsides.

To facilitate the conversation on return-to-work anxiety, Algonquin College hosted a webinar with Dr. Bill Howatt on Dec. 16. With over 30 years’ experience in mental health, addictions, HR, and leadership, Dr. Howatt is a leading Canadian expert of mental health in the workplace.

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ICYMI – 2021 TV Stories of the Year

2021 has been an incredibly busy and challenging year that also allowed the College community to showcase its creativity, new processes, generosity and innovation.

As we look back, we invite you to check out some of these stories involving the Algonquin College community. Today we look at stories that were featured on local TV news.

November 15, 2021 – CTV News – Student Recruitment Officer Jon Holmes speaks to CTV Morning Live about the upcoming Algonquin College Open House. Watch the clip here.

November 12, 2021 – CTV News – Ron McLester speaks about the OCDSB proposal to remove the singing of Oh Canada in Schools. Watch the clip here.

November 8, 2021, CTV News Ottawa – Health-care Hat Trick: Mom and two daughters nursing together at Ottawa’s Queensway Carleton Hospital. The three women all graduated from the nursing program at Algonquin College. In fact, they were in different years of the program at the same time, studying together and encouraging each other, never imagining they would one day work at the same hospital. Read the article here.

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