
Meet our Valedictorian Katelyn Mick

As we prepare for the upcoming Spring Convocation, we are pleased toWhite background with headshot of valedictorian and convocation logo highlight our valedictorians who will be speaking to their respective classes during their ceremonies.

Question: Why did you choose Algonquin College?
Answer: I chose Algonquin because they value respect, integrity, caring and learning, not just from students, but also faculty. It wasn’t just about choosing a college, it was about choosing a community to be a part of.
Check out more of our Q&A with Katelyn in this short video

Learn more about the Algonquin College convocation ceremonies.

Meet our Valedictorian Kathryn (Kate) Pollock

As we prepare for the upcoming Spring Convocation, we are pleased toWhite background with photo of valedictorian and convocation logo highlight our valedictorians who will be speaking to their respective classes during their ceremonies.

Question: What does being a valedictorian mean to you?
Answer: Valedictorian is clearly an honour. I really could not have done it without my classmates and my peers. They are the reason I’m here. It could have gone to so many people and so many others in the School of Public Safety, so I want to say thank you, it is absolutely a great honour.

Check out more of our Q&A with Kate in this short video.

Learn more about the Algonquin College convocation ceremonies.

Meet our Valedictorian Emma Martin

As we prepare for the upcoming 2023 Spring Convocation, we are pleased toWhite background with headshot of Perth campus valedictorian Emma Martin highlight our valedictorians who will be speaking to their respective classes during their ceremonies.

Why did you choose Algonquin College?

When choosing where I would continue my education, it was important to me that I picked somewhere with a smaller campus, where I could know all my classmates and could create a lasting legacy somewhere. Picking Algonquin was a hard choice as for me personally it was five hours away from where I call home and away from everything that was familiar. Seeing the beautiful campus, connecting with some great staff and enjoying the small-town feel helped me make my decision. Continue reading