
Kindness in action

Twenty-eight-year-old Graham Spero knows how to multi-task. A 2016Group of public relations students standing with Graham Spero in a classroom Algonquin College graduate from the Public Relations program, Spero spends his days working for the Parliamentary Precinct Universal Accessibility Team and his free time volunteering with kids coaching baseball, playing hockey and speaking to kids with disabilities.

Spero was born missing part of his left hand. While others may have seen limitations, Spero has turned that unique characteristic into possibilities. On Kindness Day and Pink Shirt Day, Feb. 28, Spero shares his story. Continue reading

Indigenous Speaker Series welcomes Tony Belcourt

“We are a people with roots as deep and as long as any other Indigenous peopleclose up headshot of Tony Belcourt in North America,” said Tony Belcourt as he addressed a small crowd of about 30 participants as part of Monday’s Indigenous Speaker Series.

Belcourt was speaking about “What Makes Métis Identity.” He provided analysis and detail from Métis history dating back to the 1700s and including photos and information later from 1846, the first records of his family’s history. Continue reading

Two students to share Student Climate Action Leader $3,000 bursary

On Friday, Feb. 23, two Algonquin College learners were each awarded aMale and female hold prize in front of living wall at Algonquin College $1,500 bursary for their winning submission in the CICan ImpAct Climate Challenge, recognizing exceptional student climate action leaders.

Michael Anderson, computer networking professor with the School of Advanced Technology, who championed participation in the competition, presented the award to Mohammad Zeeshan (photo, left) and Arkyn Kornell (photo, right). Kornell is a public relations student interning with Ontario Parks and Zeeshan is studying Global Supply Chain Management and integrating sustainability topics into Algonquin College curricula. Continue reading