
Made of Stone: Heritage Masonry grad shapes new career

Not so long ago — the blink of an eye in the lifetime of a slab of limestone — John-Philippe Smith was languishing miserably in a Toronto office. Not so long after, he was applying his chisel to 400-year-old stone sculptures in the shadow of the Louvre. The path between these contrasting careers cuts directly through Algonquin College’s Perth Campus. Continue reading

Donate now! October Food Drive for the SA Food Cupboard

The Food Cupboard is in need of donations from the Algonquin College community. The Students’ Association’s annual food drive continues until the end of October.

Please donate at the SA Office E114 or directly to the SA Food Cupboard (A140H). If you wish to pick up a box and hold a drive within your department, please contact thomlij@algonquincollege.com Continue reading