Student Life

Are you looking for activities to do at Algonquin College when you’re not in class? Look no further! This segment of the blog will show what student life is like at AC through events, opportunities, and showcasing our population.

Attending College for the first time? No worries.

Moving away from home and starting college is exciting. Even if you have been looking forward to this day for years, you might start to feel anxious about the next stage of your life. What will college be like? What if I don’t make any friends? What if I get lost on my way to class? These are some of the most common fears first-year students have, but with a little preparation, you can start to put those fears to rest.

Will I Fit In? Yes!

Are you moving to Ottawa? The thought of going away to a new place and a different school where you don’t really know anyone can be unsettling. However, the Algonquin College campus provides numerous ways to get out, get involved, and meet people. Continue reading

IgniteAC, Algonquin’s entrepreneurial fire starter

ignite_acThe IgniteAC Centre is the one-stop shop for anyone with an entrepreneurial mindset, who is looking for the resources to help get them started. With people like Algonquin College’s own Godfrey Joekumar walking away with not only a successful Algonquin club (Startup Launchpad), but also his own company (BookPort), the IgniteAC Centre has proven that they’re the place to be if you are an entrepreneur, or someone with hopes of becoming one. Below are the top five ways the IgniteAC Centre helps get entrepreneurs off the ground.

1. Mentorships

One of the most important components of becoming an entrepreneur, is surrounding yourself with skilled individuals to help guide you along your way. The IgniteAC Centre helps connect you mentors, from a variety of different industries, that can support you through your entrepreneurial journey, with mentors specializing in a variety of different departments. Need to perfect your sales pitch? They have, or can provide, an expert for that. Legal questions? Expert. General inquiries? The IgniteAC Centre has, or can direct you to, the professionals available to ensure that your business questions can be effectively answered, with experts ranging from Algonquin staff, to industry professionals throughout Ottawa. Speaking of which… Continue reading

Top 10: First week essentials

ACCE - NighttimeNew to campus? Coming back after a long hiatus? Worry not, Campus Services has put together a handy list of things to know heading into the new school year!

1. Getting to campus

There are tons of ways to get to campus! Ride your bike and use one of the many bike racks conveniently located on campus. If you’re having mechanical issues, make sure to stop by one of our bike repair stations. Continue reading