Student Life

Are you looking for activities to do at Algonquin College when you’re not in class? Look no further! This segment of the blog will show what student life is like at AC through events, opportunities, and showcasing our population.

AC at the Olympics: Television Broadcasting grad Nicholas Tessier

Nicholas Tessier, an AC Television Broadcasting grad (2013), is at the Winter Olympics. This is his story:

Path in Focus

It’s a 13-hour flight from Toronto to Pyeongchang, and Nicholas Tessier couldn’t have been more excited about it.

After a whirlwind ride from enrolment to graduation to South Korea, this Algonquin alumnus landed on the world’s biggest stage. With great pride (and a Steadicam), Nicholas will be roaming the Olympic park to capture the 2018 Winter Games for CBC. Continue reading

An AC Green leader: Talloires Declaration 10th anniversary

This month, we continue to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the College’s signing of the Talloires Declaration, an international agreement on sustainability between postsecondary officials. Last Thursday we provided an overview of the Declaration. This week we are featuring an Algonquin College student that fully supports the direction to build a more sustainable future.

Meet Jason Juurlink, an outdoor enthusiast, environmentalist – and devoted AC Green Team leader. Juurlink is a third-year student in the Bachelor of Building Science program. Prior to attending Algonquin College, Juurlink earned a diploma in Green Building and Renewable Energy and worked for five years in the industry. When asked why he decided to return to the classroom, he said that the College’s program offered the exact classes to match his interests. Continue reading