Choosing a career
Are you looking to prepare for life after college? This segment of the blog will help you with job market preparation, events that will help with your professional career, and opportunities to move ahead in the workforce.
It can be tough starting a new gig! That’s why the AC Hub’s Misa Mendes-Kobayashi sat down with Lindsay Bortot, an Employment Officer with the Employment Support Centre, to get the scoop on what you need to know going into the first day of work (and beyond). Continue reading →
“I’m approaching graduation and I’m conflicted about what my next step should be. Should I travel while I still can? Should I pursue more education? Do I try to find a career job right away, even though I don’t have much experience? Help!”
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“After a few years of working my way around kitchens in Ottawa I decided to pursue my longtime dream of working as a chef in London. I applied for a Visa, got accepted and bought a plane ticket. Within days I had a few trials and I took the first job I got offered – at Maze by Gordon Ramsay, awardee of one Michelin star. I was in awe; it was a dream come true. The ten months I worked there are a blur. It’s hot, focused, hands-on, sixteen-hour days but totally worth it. I even met Gordon himself a few times. And the hard work is far from over. I am currently working at Gordon’s most prestigious oldest restaurant, Restaurant Gordon Ramsay. It is an awardee of three Michelin stars which is the best rating you can receive. Having the opportunity to cook alongside talented chefs and produce some of the finest food is what I love, why I do it, and is definitely worth it. Algonquin gave me the proper knowledge behind the foundations of tools and essentials required to be a chef. After that it comes down to your own drive and determination, style and palate.”
Amy Brown, Cook Apprenticeship Graduate, 2014