Alumni & Friends Network

Four AC grads compete in Search Engine Optimization contest.

Wix SEO BattleThe SEO battle is on!

A company which includes four Algonquin College graduates has been invited to compete in the Wix SEO Battle, a competition that pits two teams against each other to see who can get their website ranked highest on search engines.

Marie Haynes Consulting, the company that employs the four graduates, is an online consultation start-up focusing on helping clients improve their online presence by making their webpage more search engine friendly. Continue reading

Hoop Dreams: Dan Stoddard shoots for diploma – and baskets, of course

When Dan Stoddard became Algonquin College’s most famous student last fall, he wasn’t prepared for the attention.

The local media arrived first, then the Globe and Mail. Soon he was getting inquiries from Sports Illustrated and the Washington Post, as well as from newspapers in Europe and India.

Okay, Stoddard thought, I’m a 38-year-old first year business administration student and I made the Algonquin Thunder basketball team. Cute story, but why so much fuss? Continue reading

Difference Maker: Marc Maracle has built a better future for Indigenous people

The Algonquin College Marc Maracle attended in 1979 was in many ways the same college that presented him with an honorary degree four decades later. But in at least one way, today’s Algonquin has profoundly changed, he says.

Algonquin remains as great a place to learn as it was when he studied Architecture Technology and Mechanical Systems from 1979 to 1983, says Maracle, Executive Director of the Gignul Non-Profit Housing Corporation. But now it is also a welcoming place for students of diverse backgrounds, and an institution conscious of the values inherent in its name. Continue reading