“After the holidays are over I often fall into a funk. Why is that? Any advice for preventing it this year?”
The post-holiday blues! We’ve all been there. It’s that melancholy feeling that often follows a vacation. For some students, returning to a regular routine after a holiday away from school can lead to feelings of anxiety, loneliness, and sadness. Many struggle with lethargy or a lack of motivation as they readjust to school. There’s an expectation that we will feel renewed and refreshed after a holiday, but unfortunately this is not always the case. Sometimes we fall into a funk. The Christmas holiday is a much-needed vacation away from the demands of college life. After exams are over you definitely deserve a break. For many students, the holidays are a time to decompress – a time to nap and sleep in, indulge in sweets and treats, and catch up with family and friends. For others, the holidays are stressful and lead to disappointment after our expectations are not met. Either way, returning to school is often a challenge. Here are some tips for beating the post-holiday blues:
1. Take your Time
Give yourself some time to recover. Feeling a bit blue during the transition back to school is normal. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you’re feeling without trying to resist it.
2. Stay Active
Plan activities! January and February are formidable months. With the lack of light and the cold weather keeping us indoors, it’s easy to fall into a funk. Check out campus events and activities, go to concerts, plan weekly dinner parties with friends, and organize movie nights. Post a calendar on your fridge and mark it up with stuff to look forward to.
3. Keep Care
Make self-care a priority in your life. Figure out what this means for you and implement it as a regular routine the day you return to school. Need some ideas? Buy yourself some flowers, take a yoga or meditation class, start a journal, make some hot chocolate, take a nap, treat yourself to a nightly bubble bath.
4. Enjoy the Great Outdoors
Get outdoors! I know it’s freezing and your toes feel like icicles but hear me out: We live in one of the most beautiful parts of the world. Get out there and take advantage of it! Strap on some ice skates and head to your local rink, check out winter festivals, or go hiking or snowshoeing.
5. Ask for Help
If you feel like the post-holiday blues is turning into depression or becoming unmanageable, reach out for support. Talk to a friend or family member, or contact Counselling Services on campus. Counsellors offer a non-judgmental and confidential place to talk and services are free.
Ottawa Campus Counselling Services: (613) 727-4723 ext. 7200
Pembroke Campus Counselling Services: (613) 735-4700 ext. 2804
Perth Campus Counselling Services: (613) 267-2859 ext. 5610

Jasmine Cady
M.A. Canadian Certified Counsellor, Pembroke Campus
(613) 735-4700 ext. 2804
This was adapted from the AC Hub Newsletter, a monthly publication produced by Student Services.