Academic Success

Are you looking to improve your academic performance? This segment of the blog will have advice and workshop opportunities to help you with your academic experience at AC!

Meet your valedictorian: Alison Foster


Alison Foster, Advertising and Marketing Communications

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Travelling

When and where were you happiest? Two years ago, when my mom and I took two months off and backpacked through Southeast Asia.

Which talent would you most like to have? I’ve always wished I was more musically-inclined and had mastered an instrument.

What is your current state of mind? Aside from wanting coffee—it’s before 8 a.m. — I feel very settled (in a good way).

What would you consider your greatest achievement? Setting aside the time and properly planting a garden.

What do you value most in your friends? Humour, Honesty, and Hearts.

Where would you like to live? Somewhere by the water.

What is your most treasured possession? My book collection.

Who is your favorite fictional hero(ine)? Claire, from my favourite book series Outlander.

Who is your hero(ine) in real life? I have so many people within my family that I look up to; my mom, dad, and grandpa really come to mind.

What is your motto? “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they simply make the best of everything.” — unknown.

Which words and/or phrases do you most overuse? Probably, “I think” or “I feel as though” before I assert an opinion.

Meet your valedictorian: Courtney Symons


Courtney Symons, Bachelor of Building Science

What is your idea of perfect happiness? Being able to find peace within yourself during all of the chaos life has to offer.

When and where were you happiest? Just recently. I finished exams, moved into a new apartment, started work full time, and with graduation around the corner, I found out I was going to be Valedictorian.

Which talent would you most like to have? To be able to find motivation in a heart beat!

What is your current state of mind? I’d say I am pretty content at the moment.

What would you consider your greatest achievement? Moving to Ottawa on my own and graduating school with a full time job! I’m quite proud.

What do you value most in your friends? Honesty, loyalty and support.

Where would you like to live? I would like to live just north of here in a log cabin.

What is your most treasured possession? My dog, Honey!

Who is your favorite fictional hero(ine)? Agent Peggy Carter, from the Marvel Comic series.

Who is your hero(ine) in real life? My dad.

What is your motto? “Appreciate the little things in life.”

Which words and/or phrases do you most overuse? When I respond with yes, but it sounds more like ‘yeas’ with an intrigued tone.