Campus crab apples crafted into bonny butter

This time of year it’s common to see crab apples on the ground at the OttawaGroup shot of culinary arts faculty on stairs in H building holding jar are crab apple butter Campus. A group of keen-eyed (and perhaps hungry) members from the Grounds Maintenance Team noticed the bounty and reached out to the culinary department to see if they had use for the surplus crop.

The culinary department, which teaches a farm-to-fork class and often uses local and seasonal produce in their instruction, accepted the bushels of apples and set about incorporating them into local lessons with different classes of students.

“We steamed them, ran them through a food mill to purée them and then cooked and reduced with maple syrup, sugar and cinnamon,” said Culinary Arts Professor Daniel Halden. “It’s a nice kind of initiative on campus, not to waste any food and to raise a little bit of money for students in need.”

Bottles of the butter are available for purchase for $6.50 at Savoir Fare and are the perfect side for spreads, soups, sandwiches, or dips.


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