Building community one cookie and cup of coffee at a time

On a chilly morning in February, delectable smells of brewed coffee and freshly baked cookies waft through the air as one enters the Union Street Kitchen Café, a small establishment in New Edinburgh, on the corner of Union and Chrichton Streets. Christine Garand poses in her bakery

Located in an unobtrusive brick house, the business is bustling with a steady stream of customers, each personally greeted as they walk through the door.

Amidst the buttery shortbreads, pains au chocolat and ginger molasses whoopie pies, is Christine Garand, the owner/operator of the local establishment for the past nine years.


Garand is an Algonquin College alumnus and a current student. She previously attended and graduated from the school in 1986 when she studied to be a translator and learned translation support techniques for people who wanted to work in the English to French translation world. She is currently in her first semester in the Baking and Pastry Arts program, which she describes as a bit of an escape.

“When you are running a busy, busy café and bakery, it feels like a holiday any time you go into another environment and someone else is in charge,” said Garand. “I feel like it’s a vacation for me where I get to learn some new things and share some of the things that I’ve learned through owning this place for nine years, inspiring some of the students and also learning from some of the students.”

Garand, who was self-taught when she started out, has good things to say about her current experience as an Algonquin College student. “I’m really expanding my existing skills,” she said. “I’ve explored the world of baking and pastry and also preparing breakfast and lunches, and the program is helping me push a little bit further.”

As a current business owner, she also brings a unique perspective to the classroom. “I’m seeing what the workforce looks like as a potential employer, I see who’s in the class what their work ethic is like and more importantly, what their soft skills are like. I look more for soft skills than technical skills. Anyone can learn technical skills, but not everyone can be a team player,” said Garand.

The team that Garand has built consists of a current staff of 20, which includes local teens who work after school, many on the job for the first time, but who are known to her. “Many were kids who used to visit with their parents who now work at the café after school and into university.” Over the years she estimates she has employed close to 100 staff, many of whom started as customers from the neighborhood who visited with their families.

“This is a fun, safe and supportive environment,” said Garand “My customers love to support local (businesses).”

Her relationship with her customers is evident from the prepared custom coffee orders waiting as someone walks in and is greeted by name. “There is no other business within one kilometre, so we are really nestled in with the neighbours,” Garand explained. “When we first moved here, I thought ‘what can I do to be part of the neighbourhood?’ There are so many things we’ve done over the years. We get to know everyone’s orders, we will do special orders for birthdays, we know everyone’s name, we put chalk and bubbles out on the sidewalk in the summer so the kids can play. They chalk up our walls with beautiful drawings.”

Garand said over the years people have brought in family recipes in the hopes she can replicate, and she welcomes feedback on what she serves. She is currently testing out a chocolate chip cookie base, topped with cream cheese frosting and dusted with salted caramel popcorn. “Caramel is my favourite flavour profile,” she said as she smiled. “My nickname is Mademoiselle Caramel.”

Her intentions are as obvious as her love of food and community, even when it comes to the name of her establishment. “We are on the corner of Crighton and Union. I feel like you bring in a union when you eat with people when you feed people, you create union,” said Garand. “By sharing a meal or preparing food for someone you are creating a connection, and I think that’s really important.”


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