Algonquin College students visit University of Wollongong in Australia

Four students from Algonquin College are currently in Wollongong Australia as part of a two-and-a-half-week Indigenous student study tour.Algonquin College students pose in front of the Wollongong campus sign on an exchange trip to Australia

In total, 20 students from Algonquin, Cambrian College and Georgian College arrived on July 8 and will meet Indigenous students, staff and community members from Australia as they learn and discuss the history and knowledge around Indigenous people.

This project was part of an initiative led at Algonquin College by the International Education Centre (IEC). This builds on a recent joint virtual mobility initiative with Cambrian College and Georgian College, incorporating Indigenous learning, research, and virtual reality technology. Both projects were funded through Global Skills Opportunity funding, the Government of Canada’s Outbound Student Mobility Pilot Program.

Before arriving in Australia, the students were able to virtually visit the University’s Indigenous Centre using a virtual reality global mobilization tool to take Indigenous students around the world without having to physically travel. The project is designed to support and encourage international intercultural learning for students.

Image (L-R): Brad Bergeron, Wade Boudrias, Natasha Hiltz-Commanda and Jazmine Remillard


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