Algonquin College Animation Student Maïta Mutonji Receives Scholarship from Jam Filled

“This is crazy.” That’s how 24-year-old second year animation student Maïta Mutonji described what she was feeling when she found out she had been awarded a Jam Filled Diversity in Animation Scholarship. “I was really happy and it (winning) gave me a boost of confidence, for sure,” she said.

Jam Filled, an Ottawa Animation Studio, created a scholarship for students in four Animation programs, including Algonquin College. Jam Filled Entertainment, a Boat Rocker company, announced the inaugural recipients of its scholarship program focused on attracting students from diverse backgrounds to the animation industry. The Jam Filled Diversity in Animation (JFDIA) scholarship program provides financial support and mentorship opportunities to promising second year animation program students.

The program, administered by Scholarship Partners Canada, a division of Universities Canada, on behalf of Jam Filled Entertainment, received dozens of applications. After careful review, four individual scholarships were awarded valued at $3,000 CAD per academic year, and renewable until the bachelor’s degree or diploma is obtained.

Mutonji appreciates the opportunity created by the local company. “I think it’s a positive thing,” she said. “The animation industry is still white male dominated. Our program is seeing more girls (enroll). I can count on one hand the amount of black people in my program. This will encourage people. To have potential access to this kind of (scholarship). It gives them a boost. I think it’s a great thing and I’m very grateful. I’m glad they launched this.”

The scholarship will allow Mutonji to work towards her goal of becoming either a background animator or animation director. “I want to do everything,” she said smiling. “I’m better at background but I prefer animation and directing is the main goal.”

She also has praise for her program. “The program has such good contacts. Our professors work in the industry and we can ask lots of questions about how to get a job. Having teachers who are also working in studios is the best thing. Having professors who are in the game is the best.”

In addition to the scholarship, Mutonji will also be able to intern at Jam Filled, which she is very excited about. Details and logistics are being worked on “because of the pandemic”, but she hopes it will happen soon.

To learn more about the Jam Filled Diversity in Animation Scholarship, visit here.



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