Accessibility at forefront of Wheelchair Backpack Transfer Device project

Reaching behind to access belongings can be challenging for some wheelchair users. A device created by mechanical and electrical engineering technology students at Algonquin College allows wheelchair users to easily retrieve personal effects. The Wheelchair Backpack Transfer Device will debut as one of the submissions in next Friday’s virtual RE/ACTION Showcase, bringing together Algonquin College learners, educators and industry partners to exhibit innovative research projects.

Jackson Gougeon and his team – Musugiramanz Moise, Alexander McKenzie, Sebastian Menendez and Burke Walsh – created the device for their client Tetra Society of North America. Tetra is a not-for-profit organization that works with volunteers and students to design assistive devices for people living with disabilities.

“The main goal is to have a product for a wheelchair, powered or manual, for someone who can’t personally grasp a backpack from behind their chair, bring it forward and easily access anything in their backpack or bag,” said Gougeon.

The device uses an innovative track design which lays across the back of the wheelchair, with another track leading to either the left or right armrest. Controlled by a stepper motor, the device is compact enough so as to not impact the user, while able to hold at maximum 30 pounds.

In terms of mechanical criteria, the device was not to exceed the total width of the chair (32 inches) and must be able to install on different wheelchair types without modifications. On the electrical side, the device needed to use an independent power source, have a fail-safe and easily-accessible controls.

Gougeon and his team are looking forward to presenting their working prototype to the RE/ACTION judges.

“One of the main criteria was for this system to be universal, so it could be applied to as many wheelchairs as possible with any design, any manufacturer,” he said. “We’re definitely excited to see the results of all of the work we put in be presented to everybody.”

Click here to register for the virtual RE/ACTION Showcase.


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