AC at the Olympics: Television Broadcasting grad Nicholas Tessier

Nicholas Tessier, an AC Television Broadcasting grad (2013), is at the Winter Olympics. This is his story:

Path in Focus

It’s a 13-hour flight from Toronto to Pyeongchang, and Nicholas Tessier couldn’t have been more excited about it.

After a whirlwind ride from enrolment to graduation to South Korea, this Algonquin alumnus landed on the world’s biggest stage. With great pride (and a Steadicam), Nicholas will be roaming the Olympic park to capture the 2018 Winter Games for CBC.

At the age of 24, Nicholas is now an experienced freelance camera operator. His portfolio is impressive, including work on six JUNO Awards, the Amazing Race Canada, and the Tragically Hip National Celebration. Of course, everyone’s journey starts somewhere.

Finding His Way
A few years ago, Nicholas entered the Broadcasting — Television program. He got his hands on all the tools he’d need for his career, and learned both the creative and technical sides of his trade.

As part of the program, Nicholas worked on a live news show every week and filmed live sports games for the Algonquin Thunder.

The real -world learning clicked with Nicholas, and he says that helped him find his way more than anything else.
In only his first year, Nicholas got an early start for his career when he worked with the JUNO Awards—his first of six so far. After that, he never looked back. In his second year, Nicholas landed an internship with CBC and took off for Toronto to do technical and production work at a real broadcasting centre.

Keeping Steady

After graduation, Nicholas knew the way forward. He moved from Ottawa to Toronto to pursue every opportunity he could in the film and television industry. Nicholas dove into a competitive career, but knew that if he listened and learned he would have all the tools he needed to succeed.

Nicholas pushed as hard as he could to get where he wanted to be, and now encourages new graduates and fellow alumni to do the same.

“You just need the drive. It won’t start off easy all the time, but you have to keep going.”


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