Cheryl Hardwick receives first-ever Employee Changemaker Award

Cheryl Hardwick poses with President Claude Brulé and Board of Governors Chair James McCracken.

On Monday, Dec. 11, Pre-Service Firefighter Education and Training (PSFF) professor Cheryl Hardwick received the first-ever Employee Changemaker Award.

The new award is designed as a way for the board to formally acknowledge exceptional employee efforts. It is based on the long-standing Student Changemaker Award; both awards will continue to be featured in future board meetings.

Hardwick was recognized for going above and beyond in her efforts to further student success. Since joining the College in 2014, she has helped to develop several PSFF initiatives, including the Community Risk Reduction Showcase, where PSFF learners instruct the broader community on fire prevention and public safety best practices; the Discovery Day for Young Women Firefighters, which encouraged women to explore the firefighting field; the Metabolic Heat Build Up Exercise, which saw PSFF learners conduct exercises with Paramedic learners; the Life Skills Class and Summer Camp Day for AAADD Learners, which saw PSFF volunteers support the Academic Assistance for Adults with Developmental Disabilities program; and the Firefighter Boot Drive, which raised $2,810.97 for the Algonquin Students’ Association Food Cupboard in 2022.

“Cheryl’s strong commitment to student success goes beyond the classroom,” reads Hardwick’s award application. “She models the importance of giving back to the community and works with the students to encourage action.”

Congratulations, Cheryl!


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