Prime Minister Trudeau addresses Algonquin College nursing students on Feb. 10  

In the wake of the Government of Canada’s recent announcement to increase health funding across the country — Working together to improve health care for Canadians — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down with Algonquin College nursing students at the Ottawa Campus on Feb. 10, to discuss health care, mental health and more.

“One of the things that I’m really looking forward to hearing from all of you is how you’re doing, what you see as the big challenges you’re facing over the coming years — what you’re seeing, what you’re seeing in your profession, and your chosen profession — and what your next steps are but also what the federal government or governments in general can and should be doing to support you,” said Trudeau.

Students were eager to engage, asking questions that ranged in topic from immigration to the rise in cost of living and affordable education. Trudeau acknowledged the challenges that students currently face as inflation rises and wages remain stagnant, but also offered a glimmer of hope, pointing to the government’s recent health care funding announcement and the ongoing work being done at the federal level to support individuals across all sectors with a variety of challenges.

The prime minister was joined by Member of Parliament for Ottawa West—Nepean, Anita Vandenbald, and welcomed to Algonquin College by President and CEO, Claude Brulé, Dean of the School of Health and Community Studies, Jane Trakalo, and Chair of the Nursing Program, Carmen Hust.

After the question-and-answer period, Prime Minister Trudeau made his way through the Algonquin College halls where he was greeted by a crowd of excited learners. Trudeau spoke to studying students, paused for selfies, and shook as many hands as time allowed.

Tune in to the full discussion at this link.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for a selfie with a student.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for a selfie with a student.

Nursing students stand are pictured in their scrubs with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Member of Parliament Anita Vandenbald.

Nursing students pose for a photo with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Member of Parliament Anita Vandenbald.

AC nursing student poses for a photo with Prime Minister Trudeau.

Prime Minister addresses AC nursing students at the Ottawa Campus.

Prime Minister addresses AC nursing students at the Ottawa Campus.


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