Algonquin College profs win Gold at USA Ultimate Frisbee Masters Championships

USA Ultimate Frisbee Masters Championships

Photo: Professor Kindha Gorman top row 3rd from left, Professor Karen Kavanagh top row 8th from left.
Photo credit: Ken Forman (UltiPhotos)

Two Algonquin College professors have brought home the gold!

Kindha Gorman and Karen Kavanagh competed at the USA Ultimate Frisbee National Championship in Aurora, Colorado from July 19-21. Their team, Solstice, competed in the Grand Masters Women Division (Aged 37+) in grueling heat that reached more than 37 degrees.

Solstice is the third Canadian team ever to bring home gold in any adult divisions from USA Ultimate Nationals competition – and the first in the Women’s Grandmasters Division.

“We may be in the Grand Masters division but we are at the top of our game,” said Gorman. “It’s important to us to support women of all ages to play this amazing sport. Winning this championship was a long-time dream for us. We’re thrilled to finally take the hardware home to Ottawa.”

“Yes, it feels a bit surreal,” said Kavanagh. “Ottawa has one of the largest Ultimate Frisbee communities in Canada so we’re getting a lot of love. And call outs from our local Ottawa Carleton Ultimate Association, Ultimate Canada, and teams and friends from across the globe.”

Solstice went into the tournament seeded 11th and were seen as a long shot given their performance last year. But the team retooled, trained hard and came back to compete and win it all. They surprised many who remembered last year’s team, beating powerhouse Boston Ultimate in the finals 14-6.

Gorman teaches in the Brand Management program while Kavanagh teaches in the Advertising and Marketing Communications Management program.

And there was yet another AC angle: Solstice’s fabulous jerseys (both light and dark – dark shown in photo) were designed by Professor David Bromley from the Graphic Design program.


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