Message from the President: Key Performance Indicators Student Survey

Improved Learning Resources

Dear Learners,

Our mission is to transform hopes and dreams into lifelong success – and your feedback is crucial to guiding that mission. We’re talking about your hopes. Your dreams. Your Algonquin College experience.

Each year, the College participates in the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Student Satisfaction and Engagement Survey, a mandated Ontario government survey to gather your feedback.

You will be given the opportunity to complete the KPI survey during class between February 4 and February 15, 2019. Make your voice heard!

I want to encourage all learners to have their say. Your input is valued and helps guide positive change at the College. You each bring a unique perspective that helps the College set goals on everything from programs and services to buildings and equipment. From learning tools to campus food selection, those who came before you helped shape the experience you have today. Now, it is your turn.

To give us a complete picture of your experience, it is important that you complete the survey in its entirety. Find out more at

The College has celebrated many new additions this past year. Last spring, we opened our new DARE (Discovery, Applied Research and Entrepreneurship) District and we celebrated the opening of our beautiful Indigenous courtyard (Ishkodewan) in December. Student Central, which opened October 1, streamlined student access to seven essential campus services. Our new Coat of Arms was unveiled in Perth and Pembroke, and students on all three campuses crafted ceremonial Indigenous drums. Meanwhile, initiatives like our new Therapy Dog program, launched January 21, 2019, are aimed at making sure the learner experience is the best it can be.

The KPI survey offers you the chance to rate your satisfaction as a learner. I look forward to hearing what you have to say.



Cheryl Jensen


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