Have your say on AC’s future! Share ideas and win prizes

It’s a win-win, students. Your ideas can help shape Algonquin College’s future … and earn you up to $100 in potential prizes.

Students are invited to share their ideas for Algonquin College’s Learner Driven Plan (LDP) in a series of student-led peer-to-peer sessions beginning Oct. 30 and continuing through Nov. 22. Register for a feedback session here.

The College wants your feedback on how to improve your experience in the classroom, outside the classroom, and via technology. Student ideas will be used in the development of Algonquin’s Learner Driven Plan and help set a course for personalized learning at the school for years to come.

Co-curricular credit will be provided for participants and there will be a Tim Hortons or Starbucks gift card draw at every P2P session. In addition, all participants will be entered in a weekly draw for a $100 gift certificate from Connections — The Campus Store. Refreshments or a light lunch will also be served.

Deijanelle Simon, president of the Students’ Association, says the Learner Driven Plan will be “a turning point” in the College’s development and an important means of ensuring greater student success in the years ahead.

Students can also contribute to the Learner Driven Plan by taking this online Learner Driven Plan Student Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.ca/r/NVDPSZY

The LDP is one of the most important initiatives underway at the College. Its learners include young people attending college for the first time, mature students advancing their skills or changing careers, international students, and students requiring complex services.

“Learner driven” or personalized education means providing a college experience (including academic, financial and cultural supports) in ways and on a timetable that meets these students’ needs.

Student participation is crucial for the success of the consultation process, says SA director Madeleine Mei. “In order for it to be as fruitful as it can be, (the Plan’s backers) really need that support and that feedback. … It’s going to maximize Algonquin’s potential as a college and a community.”


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