Algonquin’s Coat of Arms featured in Canadian Heraldic Authority brochure

Algonquin College’s Coat of Arms is featured in a new brochure called DARE to stand out released by the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General.

Produced by The Canadian Heraldic Authority, which is headed by the Governor General, the guide outlines best practices for heraldic images. In a section called “Explore a Variety of Emblems,” Algonquin’s Coat of Arms, flag, banners and badge are showcased.

“Together, they create a lasting and recognizable visual identity for your institution,” the text explains. The Coat of Arms’ usage in a stone carving and the College’s 2017 Convocation booklet is highlighted on the adjoining page.

In the introduction, the brochure discusses the challenges of standing out as an organization. “Coat of arms, flags and badges stand the test of time with continuity, elegance and authority. They can work together with logos and slogans to showcase your institution to the world.”

In June 2017, Algonquin College unveiled its first-ever Coat of Arms — an honour from the Canadian Crown to mark the institution’s 50th anniversary. For more details on the creation process, visit here.


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