Words of Wisdom from Employee Award Recipients

Nominations are now open for the 2017-18 Employee Awards. We asked last year’s winners for some “words of wisdom” as part of myAC’s new Lessons Learned feature series.
Here are some of the lessons learned from four of last year’s employees award recipients!

“The best piece of advice I’ve ever received is to tackle life one smile at a time. Be grateful for everything that comes your way; this is what makes you strong.”Jennifer Liberty, Part-Time Faculty Award winner.

“My one piece of advice to students it to network and explore the possibilities. The labour market is multi-layered and diverse. Approach your career with a positive attitude, enthusiasm, and an open mind. Never be afraid to ask for advice!” Joanne McDonald, Lifetime Achievement Award winner.

“…the College helped me launch an unconventional and adventurous career that allowed me to travel extensively, meet amazing people, and do some important things. And now I have returned 25 years later to work here to help others achieve exactly the same thing.” Kevin Holmes, Gerry A. Barker Leadership Award winner.

“My message to prospective students is that the people at Algonquin care about you, your learning and your future; the College—and Ottawa!—are rich with opportunities for you to carve a personal and academic path that meets your unique dreams, needs and goals.”Krista Pearson, Administrative Staff Award winner.


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