How can I share feedback on the policy?

Feedback and questions are welcome at communications@algonquincollege.com.

Where can I find the smoke-free policy?

You can find the policy here.

When does Algonquin College’s non-smoking policy take effect?

The policy went into place on January 1, 2019.

What does this policy mean for tobacco and cigarette users?

This policy bans the use of tobacco products such as cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, water pipes, cannabis, and electronic smoking devices on any College property.

Who does this policy apply to?

Algonquin’s non-smoking policy applies to all members of the College community, including learners, employees, volunteers and visitors to our campuses.

Why is this policy being implemented now?

College-wide consultations about moving toward smoke-free campuses in Ottawa, Perth and Pembroke were already planned for the fall 2018. The interim policy was required as a result of the recent Ontario government’s decision to allow cannabis smoking wherever tobacco is permitted. This new policy also helps create a healthier campus for the entire College community and campus visitors.

How will it be enforced?

As necessary, the College will ensure compliance through a range of measures including education, warnings, fines and disciplinary processes, in accordance with existing staff and student disciplinary procedures.

Where can I find resources to help with cigarette addiction?

A variety of resources for those looking to either reduce or stop smoking can be found here. For students, nicotine patches and gum are available through Health Services (book an appointment in room C141); for employees, patches and gum are available in the Human Resources office.

Are members of the College community expected to quit smoking or using tobacco?

The College is not asking people to quit smoking, but it is dedicated to supporting those who want to curb their tobacco use or who want to quit using tobacco products. Tobacco cessation resources for students and employees are available here.

Where I can find information about curbing or quitting tobacco use?

Please visit our Resources page for information specific to employees and students – and general resources from the government and health organizations.

How does this policy affect medical marijuana use?

The smoking of cannabis for medical purposes will be managed in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Commission policy statement. An employee who believes that their need to smoke cannabis for a medical purpose may pose a conflict with this policy should contact their Supervisor, who will consult Human Resources. A student who believes that their need to smoke cannabis for a medical purpose may pose a conflict with this policy should contact Security Services. Students who may require academic accommodations related to the smoking of cannabis for a medical purpose should contact the Centre for Accessible Learning. The College will explore solutions on an individual and case by case basis.

What are the campus boundaries?

Maps of all three campuses can be found here.