Study full-time online or part-time online. Apply for a full-time online program for a full-time student experience without the commute, or register course-by-course as you follow a part-time program of study.
If you prefer a course load that fits in with your schedule and lets you study in the comforts of your home or office, or if you live a distance from our campuses, these courses are for you. Online Learning students should have self-discipline and excellent reading, writing, and analytic skills. In addition to the study skills necessary for post-secondary learning, you will need the following skills to be a successful online student:
Full-time online programs at Algonquin College are defined as full-time education in an off-campus learning environment i.e. work or home, from a quality facilitator through the use of internet/web-based material.
Please note: Courses are structured to include due dates which students are expected to adhere to.
Part-time online programs are the best way to fit quality education into your busy life. In the comforts of your own home or office, you can use your spare time to complete the program of your choice.
Registering online is quick and easy. Register online on individual course pages.
Register on a course-by-course basis and choose how many courses you want to take while you work towards your certificate or diploma.
Full-time programs get you there faster. Full-time online programs require students to complete an application process. Apply now to start a full-time online program this spring.
Several of the full-time online programs are available beginning every other month, meaning you don’t have to wait for a traditional semester start to begin your studies. View the bi-monthly intake programs here.
These courses start every semester and most run for 14 weeks. You have assignment deadlines to meet throughout the course. You must write the final exam by your course end date. You can register up to one week after the course start date.
These courses start the first business day of each month, excluding the months of January, September and May, and run for 14 weeks. You must complete all course requirements and your final exam within the 14 weeks.
Is Online Learning a credible source of education?
Yes. All Algonquin Online Learning courses and programs give you the same accreditation and certification that on campus courses and programs do. Online Learning allows you to:
- Schedule your course homework and study time around your personal and work lifestyle
- Access course information, assignments and class discussions at all hours of the day/night
- Receive quality education from Facilitators in the comfort of your own home
Do I have to live a certain distance away from Algonquin College in order to enrol in the Online Learning programs and courses?
No. Many of our students are in the work force, have families or other time commitments and are looking to further their education in order to advance or start new careers. Online Learning gives these students the ability to engage in content and curriculum in the comforts of their own home or office, and around their own schedule.
Do I have to buy a new computer to enrol in an Online Learning course?
There’s no need to rush out and buy the newest PC or Macbook. Although online courses require the use of a computer and functioning Internet sources, there are only basic requirements for it. All of the technical needs are outlined here.
Is it true that Online Learning doesn’t allow me to interact with my Facilitators and that I won’t be able to ask my questions or comment on course materials?
No. Students have access to discussion boards within their online course where they can post questions and comments for the instructor. An Online Learning student also has the chance to pose questions to other students in the course through these discussion boards. Algonquin College has a policy that commits all Facilitators to responding to questions or concerns within 24 – 48 hours on weekdays.
Is full-time Online Learning a big time commitment? Does it mean that if I enroll in a full-time online diploma program, I’m going to be doing course work all day, every day?
It depends. A day in the life of a full-time online student at Algonquin is much different from that of a full-time, on-campus student. Although it is essentially the same course load, the perk of completing your studies in the comfort of your own home and around your personal schedule is very convenient for many people.
Do I need to make the same commitment taking a full-time online program as a full-time on-campus program?
Yes. Although full-time online programs allow you to personalize your study and homework schedule, it is essentially the same workload. Full-time online benefits students who like to work independently and in an off-campus setting.
Upon completion, you will receive the same Ontario College accreditation that on-campus programs give you.
When can I access my online course?
You can access your online course on the course start date.
Do I need to apply to Graduate?
If you are studying part-time, or if you are studying full-time but have taken a part-time course in your last semester, you need to apply to graduate. To apply, follow these steps.
What’s the difference between the online semester and the online monthly intake?
Semestered Courses
These courses start every semester and most run for 14 weeks. You have assignment deadlines to meet throughout the course. You must write the final exam by your course end date. You can register up to 1 week after the course start date.
Please note: Courses are structured to include due dates which students are expected to adhere to.
Monthly Intake Courses
These courses start the first business day of each month, excluding the months of January, May and September, and run for 14 weeks. You must complete all course requirements and your final exam within the 14 weeks. You can register up until the course start date.
Please note: Courses are structured to include due dates which students are expected to adhere to.
To view all the programs that are available with a monthly intake, you can visit
Can I transfer credits from other colleges and universities?
Credit transfers are assessed on an individual basis. To apply for a transfer of credit, or exemption, please fill out the appropriate Credit Transfer form and supply the required documentation to the Registrar’s Office.
Can I take some of my program’s courses online and some on campus?
AC Online offers part-time courses online. Both our part-time online and part-time on-campus courses have the same content and learning outcomes. All part-time course credits transfer to your program of study, with no application for transfer of credit. Please note that if you are taking a program full-time online, you are not eligible to take courses on campus.
How long do I have to complete the courses in a particular program?
Each program has a different time limit for program completion. Check the program website or contact Online Learning at 613-727-7655 to find out how long you have to complete your program. It is your responsibility as a student to ensure you complete the program within the allotted timeframe.
My program of study changed. Do I need to take the new courses?
The college reviews programs annually to ensure that we are offering the most up-to-date education possible. To remain up-to-date, we often revise programs, which mean adding new courses and taking out older ones. You are required to follow the program of study that was active when you enrolled in your first course. Please check the Online Learning office to ensure you are following the correct program of study. If you are a part-time student you can track your progress using the Academic Planner available on ACSIS.
What is the Academic Planner?
The Academic Planner is a new tool for students studying part-time that helps chart your progress through your part-time program by listing all the courses you have completed that can be applied towards various programs. The tool can also help you to determine if you are eligible to ladder completed courses into other programs. The tool is available on ACSIS, located under ‘Continuing Education’ on the left-hand toolbar.
What is plagiarism?
Plagiarism, whether done deliberately or accidentally, is defined as presenting someone else’s work, in whole or in part, as one’s own, and includes the verbal or written submission of another work (for example, ideas, wording, code, graphics, music, and inventions) without crediting that source. This includes all electronic sources (for example, the Internet, television, video, film, and recordings), all print and written sources (for example, books, periodicals, lyrics, government publications, promotional materials, and academic assignments), and all verbal sources (for example, conversations and interviews).The facilitation of plagiarism, that is, one student sharing his or her work with other students, is also considered an act of plagiarism.
A course I want to take has a prerequisite. Do I have to take it?
If you feel you have the relevant knowledge, you may not be required to take the prerequisite as long as the prerequisite is not part of your program of study. We strongly recommend that you take the prerequisite first, if you take the course without having completed the prerequisite, you do so at your own risk.
Note: this does not apply to the Teachers of Adult Lifelong Learners program, in which the prerequisites are strictly enforced.
How do I know if I am registered in an Algonquin College or OntarioLearn course?
Your welcome email will indicate the platform your courses are available on, AC Brightspace or OntarioLearn.
Who can I contact for technical support?
OntarioLearn Courses
Should you require Technical Support for OntarioLearn courses, call 1-800-695-5008 or visit them on online.
AC Brightspace Courses
For questions related to logging in and viewing courses, please contact the ITS Support Desk at (613) 727-4723 ext-5555.
For technical support within your AC Brightspace courses (ie: difficulty accessing course materials, issues submitting assignments, etc.), please contact 1-877-325-7778 or visit the D2L Support Desk.
How do I withdraw from my course?
For all withdrawals, you need to contact the Registrar’s Office. Please Note: Withdrawal requests may be made by fax, phone, in-person at the Registrar’s Office or by email. Non-attendance and/or payment cancellation does/do not constitute a withdrawal.
How will I be evaluated in a course or program?
Evaluation and grading depends on the course. You will be provided with a course outline for each of your courses. This outline will explain all the requirements and the grade breakdown for you. If you have questions about the evaluation process, please ask your Facilitator.
Where do I book my final exam?
All information regarding exam booking is available on our Exam Booking Webpage.
Who is responsible for proctor fees?
All students are responsible for their own proctor fees.
How do I get my final grades and how long does it normally take?
Final grades are usually available online approximately three weeks following the course end date on the Algonquin College Student Information System (ACSIS). On occasion with special cases it may take up to three weeks for your grades to be posted. You will need your student number to login to ACSIS. If you do not have your student number, you must contact the Registrar’s Office as they are the only ones authorized to give students their student number by telephone. You can reach the Algonquin College Registrar’s Office at 613-727-0002 or 1-800-565-4723.
How do I appeal my grade?
If you believe that you have the basis for appealing an academic decision, you must first discuss the matter with your Facilitator. The expectation is that the decision under dispute is to be resolved as closely as possible to the level at which it originated, and as quickly as is possible with careful review. If you cannot resolve the matter, please contact
How does it work if I am an on campus student looking to take online courses, or if I want to transfer from on campus to online?
Please review our information sheet for further details on taking online classes as an on campus student.