All Courses
Browse our available courses below. To receive notification when courses become available for registration in future terms, please complete our Course Registration Notification Form.
- EDU2015 Accessible Course Content
- ACC4110 Accounting and Finance
- ACC2310 Accounting Concepts I
- ACC2313 Accounting Concepts II
- ACC2385 Accounting Software Applications
- MAT8010 ACE Apprenticeship Math
- SCI8010 ACE Biology
- MAT8011 ACE Business Mathematics
- SCI8011 ACE Chemistry
- ENL8000 ACE Communications
- DAT3000 ACE Computers
- MAT8012 ACE Core Math
- SCI8012 ACE Physics
- SSC8010 ACE Self Management and Self Direction
- MAT8013 ACE Technical Math
- CST8300 Achieving Success in Changing Environments
- OFF2338 Administrative Skills and Procedures
- TAC5112 Adult Learning
- TAC5113 Adults with Learning Disabilities
- CST8276 Advanced Database Topics
- MAT8100B Algebra Basics
- MAT8100M Algebraic Operations
- NSG8015 Anatomy and Physiology (PSW-PN)
- EDU2013 Applied Research and Education
- COM0015 Applied Social Media in Business
- TAC5114 Assessment and Evaluation
- ACC2265 Audit Principles and Business Issues
- QUA2210 Basic Business Mathematics
- FAM0047 Behavioural Skill Building
- ACC2207 Bookkeeping
- BUS2301 Business Computer Applications
- MGT2201 Business Fundamentals
- CST8390 Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
- LAW1702 Business Law
- QUA2227 Business Math Foundations
- QUA0002 Business Mathematics
- CST8283 Business Programming
- ENL5012 Business Writing Strategies
- LDS0001 Communication
- CON5041 Communication, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution (CNCR)
- FAM2030 Communication, Social Skills & Understanding
- ENL1813T Communications I
- ENL1813B Communications I
- ENL1823B Communications II
- MGT2388 Compensation Management
- MAT8100I Complex Numbers
- CST8118 Computer Essentials
- MAT8100L Computer Systems
- SAF0008 Confined Space Awareness
- CON5043 Construction Law (CL)
- CON5042 Construction Project Management (CPM)
- ENL1798 Contemporary Canadian Issues
- MGT5086 Contracting and Procurement in Project Management
- TAC5102 Curriculum Development
- BUS2303 Database & Advanced Excel Concepts
- CST2355 Database Systems
- COM0012 Developing a Social Media Strategy
- EDU2002 Developing Online Course Content
- DAT2100 Digital Analytics
- COM0014 Digital Communication
- OFF2326 Digital Workspace Applications
- MGT5087 Directed Studies in Project Management
- OFF2336 Document Production 1
- OFF2337 Document Production 2
- OFF2339 Document Production and Keyboarding 1
- OFF2340 Document Production and Keyboarding 2
- ECO2200 Economic Issues
- EDU2016 Effective Use of Open Educational Resources
- MGT2397 Employee Relations
- HRM4126 Employee Relations
- LAW4110 Employment Law
- EDU2011 Engaging Mobile Learners
- ENL1962 English Fundamentals
- CST8277 Enterprise Application Programming
- ENV0002 Environmental Citizenship
- FAM1245 Environments for Young Children
- EDU2012 Ethics and Legislation in Education
- EDU2004 Evaluation Essentials
- MAT8100H Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- MAT8100G Exponents and Radicals
- MAT8100C Factoring and Solving Equations
- SAF0009 Fall Protection
- FIN2230 Finance
- ACC2202 Financial Accounting 2
- ACC2209 Financial Accounting 3
- ACC2201 Financial Accounting I
- MAT8100N Geometry
- BAI2300 Global Business Environment
- PSI1702 Government of Canada
- MAT8100D Graphing
- FAM1248 Guiding Children's Behaviour
- NSG8008 Healing and Episodic Health Challenges - IEN
- NSG8009 Health and Transitions - IEN
- NSG8002 Health Assessment - IEN
- NSG8014 Health Assessment (PSW-PN)
- HRM4127 Human Resources Career Planning
- MGT2381 Human Resources Management
- MGT4110 Human Resources Management
- HRM4125 Human Resources Management Research and Information Systems
- MGT2391 Human Resources Management Strategic Planning
- HRM4124 Human Resources Planning
- TAC5103 Instructional Techniques
- ACC0012 Integrated Accounting Practice
- COR1963 Integrative Seminar
- AST2000 Introduction to Astronomy
- FAM1246 Introduction to Children with Exceptionalities
- CST8116 Introduction to Computer Programming
- CST8215 Introduction to Database
- MGT2346 Introduction to e-Business
- FIN2303 Introduction to Finance
- MGT2328 Introduction to Management Fundamentals
- ACC2262 Introduction to Personal Taxation
- MGT5164 Introduction to Project Management
- COM0011 Introduction to Social Media
- OFF2325 Keyboarding 1
- OFF2327 Keyboarding 2
- HRM4122 Labour Relations
- MGT2359 Laws of the Workplace
- ECO2306 Macroeconomics
- ACC2234 Management Accounting 2
- ACC2233 Management Accounting I
- MKT2317 Marketing
- MKT2120 Marketing Campaign Analysis Techniques
- MGT2320 Material and Operations Management
- NSG8016 Mathematics for Practical Nurses (PSW-PN)
- MAT8100Q Matrix Algebra
- MAT8100R Matrix Transformations
- HLT0008 Medical Terminology
- ECO2305 Microeconomics
- CST2335 Mobile Graphical Interface Programming
- COM0013 Monitoring and Measurement
- FAM0029 Music and Movement Experiences for Children
- CST8109 Network Programming
- NSG8007 Nursing in Ontario - IEN
- NSG8006 Nursing Informatics - IEN
- NSG8019 Nursing Professionalism (PSW-PN)
- NSG8018 Nursing Theory Bridge (PSW-PN)
- CST8284 Object Oriented Programming (Java)
- CST8288 Object Oriented Programming with Design Patterns
- MGT2396 Occupational Health and Safety
- OHS4120 Occupational Safety and Health
- EDU2003 Online Course Delivery
- CST8102 Operating System Fundamentals (GNU/Linux)
- MGT2382 Organizational Behaviour
- HRM4110 Organizational Behaviour
- FAM0048 Parent and Staff Training
- ACC5039 Payroll Administration
- ACC2211 Payroll and Compliance
- NSG8005 Pharmacology - IEN
- CON5040 Pipeline Construction Safety Training (PCST)
- GED0022 Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Well-being
- FAM1033 Practice Teaching 2
- FAM1043 Practice Teaching 3
- OFF2335 Presentation Applications
- FAM2020 Principles of Applied Behavioural Analysis
- MGT2156 Principles of Business Management and Research Part 2
- GED7105 Professionalism and Ethics
- CST8002 Programming Language Research Project
- MGT5079 Project Definition and Planning
- MGT4111 Project Management
- MGT5083 Project Management and the Human Interface
- MGT5084 Project Management Scheduling Software
- MGT5085 Project Risk and Quality Management
- FAM1003 Psychology of Learning
- COR1737 Psychopathology - An Introduction to Mental Illnesses
- QUA0003 Quantitative Methods I
- MGT2393 Recruitment and Selection
- HRM4111 Recruitment and Selection
- NSG8010 Relational Practice - IEN
- NSG8001 Research in Nursing - IEN
- MAT8100S Right Angled Triangles
- FAM1238 Seminar 3
- FAM1240 Seminar II
- FAM2040 Sensory Processing, Anxiety and Stress
- MAT8100J Signed Numbers
- MGT2319 Skills for Academic & Business Success
- CST8319 Software Development Project
- MAT8100E Solving System of Linear Equations Graphically and Algebraically
- ACC2343 Spreadsheet Applications
- OFF2395 Spreadsheet Applications (OA)
- BUS2130 Strategic Analytics
- CST2234 Systems Analysis and Design
- MAT8100T Tables of Values
- SAF0011 TDG for Drivers
- SAF0005 TDG for Handlers
- SAF0006 TDG for Shippers/Receivers
- SAF0007 TDG for Workers
- ENL2019T Technical Communication for Engineering Technologies
- MAT8001C Technical Mathematics for Computer Science
- ENL1829 The Art of Oratory
- HRM4120 Total Rewards
- HRM4123 Training and Development
- MGT2384 Training and Development
- FAM0051 Transition Planning and Implementation
- NSG8017 Transition to Practical Nursing (PSW-PN)
- FAM0044 Treating Challenging Behaviours
- MAT8100A Trigonometry
- FAM2010 Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder
- MAT8100K Units of Measure
- MKT2121 User Behaviour Research
- MAT8100O Vector Algebra
- MAT8100F Vectors
- DAT2101 Web and Mobile Analysis Techniques
- CST8285 Web Programming
- SAF0004 WHMIS - Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System
- FAM2060 Working with Children in the Classroom