

VMock is an exciting new tool that will help you improve your resume and interview skills. This tool provides real time feedback using Artificial Intelligence, allowing students 24/7 access to personalized services.

VMock leverages data-science, machine learning, and natural language processing to provide instant personalized feedback on your resume based on global best practices.

How VMock Works:

Log in to VMock using your algonquinlive.com email address. Upload a PDF version of your resume, and the SMART Career Preparation Platform will allow you to:

  • Receive an objective score of your resume based on recruiter criteria
  • Provide access to industry-recommended templates that will maximize impact
  • Improve your resume score by making changes based on targeted recommendations including presentation, language and skills
  • Enhance your interview skills through customized and instant feedback on critical interview elements such as body language, enunciation, and content

Once you receive the detailed feedback, you can make relevant changes and re-score it to see how you’ve improved.

Learn more here: http://www.vmock.com/vmock_video/

Get started with VMock today – www.vmock.com/algonquincollege


How does VMock work?

Once you login you can create a new resume using the templates provided or upload your current resume and receive detailed feedback within a minute.

Who can use VMock?

Students registered in a any full-time, on-campus program at Ottawa, Perth or Pembroke campuses.

Will VMock automatically adjust my resume?

No, you will need to review the detailed feedback and make the adjustments yourself. You can then re-upload your resume to see if you improved your score and continue to edit based on the feedback.

After making all the edits, why am I still not able to score 100%

VMock will score your resume based on best practices and community guidelines, the goal is not to score 100%, it is to score in the green zone.

Will VMock provide feedback on cover letters?

No, VMock only scores you on your resume and assesses your interview skills. For further support with your cover letter, book an appointment with an Advisor through HireAC.

What is the difference between “System Feedback” and “Targeted Feedback”?

System feedback breaks down your resume score into three categories: impact, presentation and competency. Targeted feedback allows you to scan the resume bullet point by bullet point and make specific changes to maximise impact. By bullet, you receive feedback on use of action verbs, bullet length and specifics.

What do the impact, presentation and competency scores mean?

Impact measures how effectively you articulate your experience. Presentation assesses its readability and overall organization. Competency examines how well you showcase five major transferable skills (analysis, communication, leadership, teamwork and initiative) through your experience.

Does VMock check for grammar and spelling mistakes?

VMock does check for spelling mistakes but not grammatical errors. We would encourage you to use a grammar check on your word processing software.

VMock is identifying a spelling error for a technical term/name. How can I fix this?

You can add words that you know are spelt correctly to VMock so that you won’t be marked down for that. Simply hover over them and add them to your dictionary.

What do I do if I am having technical issues with VMock?

If you are having trouble with VMock, please use the ‘How To’ Guides and HELP function located in the bottom right-hand corner of the platform.

Why did I receive an error message when signing up for VMock?

An error message can occur when you use other email accounts such as Gmail and Hotmail. You have to sign up with your Algonquin Live email in order to have access to the platform. You may also receive an error message if you are not a full-time student in an on-campus program at Ottawa, Perth or Pembroke campuses.

What file format can I upload my resume in?

You can only upload your resume in a PDF format. You can save your current resume in a PDF format by opening your document, selecting “File” and then “Save as Adobe PDF”.

What is the best browser to use for using VMock?

For the best user experience, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers are recommended.

How do I access VMock?

You can log into VMock at vmock.com/algonquincollege. You must use your algonquinlive.com email address to log in.