Zoom Virtual Backgrounds

Zoom Virtual Backgrounds

Miss hanging out with your friends on campus? Us too!

We have created Algonquin College themed virtual backgrounds for your Zoom group meetings and hangouts. Here is how to create your own Zoom account and set up your new favourite backgrounds:

Step 1: Create a Zoom account by visiting algonquincollege.libguides.com/zoom/students. Zoom licences are free for AC students and employees!

Step 2: Download your favourite photo(s) from this page. Click the Download button below the image, then right-click and select ‘Save image as…’

Step 3: Upload your new virtual background to Zoom. If you are not sure how, check out this video outlining how to enable and upload virtual backgrounds: support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/210707503-Virtual-Background


  • Set yourself up at a work station with a blank wall behind you.
  • Ensure that your work station has enough lighting.