What can the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) do for me?
The CAL is committed to ensuring students have equal access at Algonquin College through our services and supports. The CAL provides academic accommodations and educational support services to students who have permanent and/or temporary disabilities.
To learn how to register, click here.
When do I need to register with Centre for Accessible Learning?
We encourage you to register with the CAL as early as possible, before the start of your study period. However, you may register at any point throughout the term and/or your program. Please note, late registration may result in a delay in accessing supports and services.
To learn how to register, click here.
What are Academic Accommodations?
- Academic accommodations refer to educational supports intended to provide equal access to program and/or course requirements and reduce the impact of functional challenges posed by an individual’s disability.
- Academic accommodations do not undermine or compromise the essential course learning requirements of a course or a program.
Can I use my IEP for accommodations at college?
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is not sufficient documentation of a disability for the purposes of post-secondary academic accommodations. However, temporary accommodations may be provided for students who are in the process of attaining disability-related documentation, and your IEP can help inform this process.
You will still need to register at with the Centre for Accessible Learning. To learn how to register, click here.
What is a Letter of Accommodation (LOA)?
- The Letter of Accommodation (LOA) is a confidential document that states the accommodations you are entitled to access in both in-class and test/exam settings. LOAs can also be created for work placements and co-op experiences.
- The LOA performs a similar function to an Individual Education Plan (IEP) that a student may have accessed in elementary or high school, but it is tailored to the college level
- You use your LOA to communicate your accommodation needs to your professors
To learn more about the LOA, click here.
Who is eligible to receive an LOA?
Students who have a documented disability are able to register with the CAL.
Temporary accommodations may be provided for students who are in the process of being assessed for a disability. Students who do not have disability documentation are encouraged to contact the Welcome Centre. If you are a student at the Pembroke campus please contact CAL Pembroke.
To learn more about disability documentation, click here.
Who will see my accommodations/LOA and how is my information kept confidential?
- You are responsible for sharing your LOA so that your teachers are aware of your accommodation needs. You can decide who needs a copy.
- Your CAL record will be stored in a secure manner. The CAL Team may share your information with Algonquin College staff involved in providing you with services and supports on an as-needed basis.
- All student information, including the fact that you have used CAL services, is treated as strictly confidential.
To learn more about privacy with the Centre fo Accessible Learning, click here.
How can I provide my LOA to my professors?
On-Campus Students:
- On-campus students are responsible for sending their LOA to faculty themselves, using the CAL Student Portal.
- You can find easy-to-follow steps, as well as the link to the portal by clicking here.
- Remember: You will need to share your LOA with each professor you have. If your professor changes mid-semester, you will need to send a copy of the LOA to your new professor so that they know you require accommodations. Reach out to your Disabilities Counsellor if you require assistance.
Online Students:
- Online students are responsible for sending LOAs to course facilitator(s) and the Online Exam Coordinator (if applicable). Your Online Student Success Specialist can also send your LOA to your course facilitators on your behalf. You can reach these key contact people via email at the following addresses:
If you need help sending your LOA, please contact your Disabilities Counsellor.
If I have questions about my LOA or my accommodations, who do I contact?
Each student registered with the CAL is assigned to a Disabilities Counsellor (DC). A Disabilities Counsellor reviews your medical documentation and provides access to appropriate academic accommodations, disability-related counselling, and advocates for you. If you have any questions related to your LOA, the name of the Disabilities Counsellor is on the letter and you may contact them directly via email or book an appointment with them through the Welcome Centre.
To book an appointment, click here.
Who can help me with key learning skills such as managing my time, taking notes, and learning how to study?
Learning Strategists counsel and support students in understanding how they learn best. Through collaboration between yourself and a Learning Strategist, you will uncover and discuss your learning style, your strengths, and your challenges. This will allow the Learning Strategist to share learning strategies and tools that enhance your efforts and make you a more efficient learner.
To learn more about learning strategy support, click here.
Are there resources I can access independently to help me with key learning skills?
Algonquin College’s Essential Study Skills website provides students with information on key skill categories including:
- Time Management
- Stress Management
- Studying & Test-Taking
- Reading & Note-Taking
- Presentation Skills
- Resilience
- Sleep
- Group Work
To learn more, click here.
Who can help me with technology tools that will support my learning as a student with a disability?
An Assistive Technologist can help you explore assistive technology solutions that may reduce or remove disability-related barriers you are experiencing at Algonquin College. Solutions can include support with accessibility, note taking, reading, writing, time management, and organization.
To learn more, click here.
How do I book my accommodated tests?
If you are an on-campus student already registered with the CAL and need to book your test with the CAL Test Services, click here and select “Book a test.” Test booking deadlines are posted on the CAL Student Portal Test Booking site.
If you have not yet registered with the CAL, please click here to register. Accommodated testing is ONLY provided through the CAL Test Services for students who have completed their registration with the CAL.
CAL Test Services
Room E304e
613-727-4723 ext. 6092
I am feeling overwhelmed. Are there services or supports I can access?
Check out the following options:
Mental Health Services – Click here to explore other Algonquin College resources and community services available to all students.
SLC – The Student Learning Centre offers FREE workshops (group), coaching sessions (one-on-one), and affordable peer tutoring services. Click here to learn more.
Upcoming Events – Click here to learn about the FREE events and activities coming up!
What other resources might be helpful to me at Algonquin College?
- Finding your AC Info – This tip sheet provides instructions for how to access your AC network account, email, timetable and Brightspace.
- Student Survival Guide – Check out Algonquin Applications & Resources for tutorials on ACSIS, Brightspace, Live@AC, and wireless printing on campus.
- Food Services Virtual Tour
- Residence – Check out the Residence facilities, see 3D views of the suites, watch videos about move-in day, learn what to bring and not to bring, and more! This is a great resource to access when preparing to select and/or move in to Residence.
- Student Support Services – A list of support services available to you as a student, from Counselling to Peer Tutoring to Health Services, as well as social events and academic workshops.
What if my academic performance or ability to participate in academic activities has been impacted by a change in health or a new disability?
Please contact the Welcome Centre to set up an appointment to discuss your situation with a Disabilities Counsellor. More information on retroactive accommodation can be found in Policy AC01 – Academic Accommodation for Accessible Learning. If your ability to engage in academic activities is impacted for reasons outside of disability, please refer to Policy AA21 – Deferred Evaluation.