Student Resources

Find answers to frequently asked questions as well as useful resources available to you below.

What can the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) do for me?

When do I need to register with Centre for Accessible Learning?

What are Academic Accommodations?

Can I use my IEP for accommodations at college?

What is a Letter of Accommodation (LOA)?

Who is eligible to receive an LOA?

Who will see my accommodations/LOA and how is my information kept confidential?

How can I provide my LOA to my professors?

If I have questions about my LOA or my accommodations, who do I contact?

Who can help me with key learning skills such as managing my time, taking notes, and learning how to study?

Are there resources I can access independently to help me with key learning skills?

Who can help me with technology tools that will support my learning as a student with a disability?

How do I book my accommodated tests?

I am feeling overwhelmed. Are there services or supports I can access?

What other resources might be helpful to me at Algonquin College?

What if my academic performance or ability to participate in academic activities has been impacted by a change in health or a new disability?