Documentation Requirements

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To register with the CAL, you need to provide documentation from a regulated health care professional that confirms a disability. This documentation will be used to provide appropriate accommodations and supports to meet your needs. Under the Ontario Human Rights Code, it is not necessary to provide a specific diagnosis to access accommodations and support services. Disclosure of a diagnosis may be required for some government financial aid programs for students with disabilities.

Please review the information below. This information is also available in our Disability Documentation Guide.

Disability Documentation

To access CAL services, the following options can be used as disability documentation:

  • A copy of the OSAP Disability Verification Form (on the OSAP Forms web page, search “disability” and select Disability Verification Form: Students at Ontario Public Postsecondary Institutions)
  • Medical Information Request Form. Complete the PDF or Word document version.
  • A letter or detailed medical report from the appropriate Regulated Health Care Professional (RHCP) — Doctor, physiotherapist, etc.
  • A psychoeducational, psychological, or neuropsychological assessment from a Psychologist or Psychologist Associate.

NOTE: If you have OSAP funding, or you are considering applying for OSAP, it is recommended to use the OSAP Disability Verification Form as it can be used for OSAP and to access CAL services.

Attention Disability

Examples include Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD).

A copy of the latest comprehensive psychoeducational assessment completed by a registered psychologist or psychological associate.


A letter or form completed by a physician, psychiatrist, neuropsychologist, psychologist or psychological associate that includes:

  • Description of current level of functioning 
  • Relevant personal and academic histories 
  • Description of the nature of current symptoms and their potential impact within a college setting  
  • Potential impact of medications on academic functioning  
  • Recommended accommodations and supports 

Autism Spectrum Disorder

Hearing Loss

Learning Disability

Mental Health

Physical Disability or Medical Condition

Visual Impairment

No Documentation or IEP Only

Important Notes

  • Submit documents via email (scanned), fax, mail, or in-person.
  • An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is not sufficient documentation of a disability for the purposes of post-secondary academic accommodations. However, interim (temporary) accommodations may be provided for students who are in the process of being assessed for a disability or accessing disability-related documentation. The IEP can be reviewed for background information. If your IEP shows past assessment reports, try to gather copies of that information.
  • Interim (temporary) accommodations may be provided for students who are in the process of being assessed for a disability. Students who do not have disability documentation are encouraged to contact the Welcome Centre. If you are a student at the Pembroke campus please contact CAL Pembroke.
  • If you are receiving or applying for OSAP funding: To confirm a disability for OSAP purposes, the OSAP Disability Verification form must be completed and submitted to OSAP or Financial Aid. The CAL cannot confirm a disability for OSAP purposes.

Tips for Finding Documents

Did you attend high school recently?

Most school boards will keep documentation for approximately 5 years. Contact your former high school or school board office and ask for copies of your IEP and related documentation such as assessment reports.

School board websites:

Did you receive disability-related services at another college or university?

Do you have copies of medical reports, or a medical professional who can provide copies?

Did you complete an OSAP Disability Verification form?

Need assistance? Contact or visit the Welcome Centre, located on the 3rd floor of the Student Commons (E Building).

Phone: 613.727.4723 ext. 7200
TTY: 1.866.620.3845

If you are attending the Pembroke campus, please contact:

CAL Pembroke

Phone: 613-735-4700 ext. 2665