CAL Services Update
CAL offers both in-person and virtual appointments. All new and registered students are welcome to book an appointment with a Disabilities Counsellor, Learning Strategist, Assistant Assistive Technologist, Intake Coordinator or Assistive Technologist, by calling the Welcome Centre at 613.727.4723 ext. 7200 or by emailing the Welcome Centre at
For new AC students please consider that the accommodation process can take time, so please book your appointments as soon as possible. With a large number of changes to your programs and education, the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) staff want to assure you that you continue to have access to our support. We are Here2Help!
CAL Resources for Virtual and Hybrid Learning
Clear Mask Availability on Campus
FAQ for Faculty Working with Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
I am already registered with CAL, how do I access CAL supports Remotely?
If you have an assigned Disabilities Counsellor, Learning Strategist, or Assistive Technologist, you can email them to ask for a meeting.
If you are not sure of your CAL staff member’s contact information, email to request it
Please note that most appointments with CAL staff will be offered using the Zoom software. You will receive an invitation to connect to the meeting, which will be sent to your Algonquin Live email account. Learn more from the Zoom Video Conferencing Tool Guide.
What kinds of support can CAL provide while we are not allowed on campus?
Disabilities Counsellors:
- Access to academic accommodations
- Changes to your Letter of Accommodation given the change to a more remote learning environment
- Support advocating for your needs to your instructors
- Guidance on what resources to access
- Connections with other CAL supports
Learning Strategists:
- Help navigating the changes to your courses and adjusting your semester plans
- Support adjusting to online learning and building strategies to work more independently
- Guidance with time management and organization
- Help with studying or test-taking strategies
- Assistance with problem-solving academic issues and communicating with professors
Assistive Technologists:
- Refreshers on how to use available assistive technology
- Textbook requests (alternate format – accessible PDF)
- Course material transcription including captioning
- Course material access issues
- Tech support and training for Assistive Technology tools including those related to reading, writing, and note-taking
- Remote software installation support
- Basic troubleshooting with Zoom
What do I need to do about my testing accommodations?
Because all on-campus activity was suspended March 16, CAL Test Services activities have also been suspended. Students who had previously booked their tests (and professors who confirmed those tests) have also had those test bookings removed from the CAL Testing Portal. Services will not resume until on-campus services re-start.
If your instructors administer tests or exams through Brightspace, they are able to provide extra time accommodations in Brightspace. You may need to remind your instructors in advance to provide the extra time, and can email them directly to ensure that this accommodation is in place for your tests.
Should you have questions or concerns about receiving accommodations for tests or exams, including accommodations that you cannot currently receive remotely, please contact your Disabilities Counsellor by email or contact
How can I get a copy of my LOA to provide to my professors?
You can download a copy of your LOA at
You can also email your Disabilities Counsellor directly or email and request that they send a copy to your Professors.
I am not currently registered with CAL, but may need academic accommodations for this term. How do I do that?
For all current AC students who are not registered with CAL, but are seeking accommodation, please email the Centre for Accessible Learning at
What additional resources are available to me?
Most Algonquin College services continue to be available to students remotely.
- Check out the Student Learning Kit
- Learn more about specific Student Support Service revisions due to the COVID-19 impact here.
I am experiencing some mental health concerns. Who can help?
These are stressful times for all of us and that stress can be taking a toll on our mental wellness. There are a combination of Algonquin College and community supports services available to students to help maintain mental health and provide support during times of distress or crisis.
You can see a list of these resources in the Student Learning Kit.
I want to meet with a Learning Strategist but have never met with one before. How do I book an appointment with them?
If you are already registered with CAL, but have never met with a Learning Strategist before and would like to, please contact your Disabilities Counsellor who will help you connect with a Learning Strategist. You can also email to request a meeting with a Learning Strategist.
Watch this video to learn more about online Learning Strategies appointments:
I want to meet with an Assistive Technologist but have never met with one before. How do I book an appointment with them?
If you are already registered with CAL, but have never met with an Assistive Technologist before and would like to, please contact your Disabilities Counsellor who will help you connect with an Assistive Technologist. You can also email to request a meeting with an Assistive Technologist.
I am coming to Algonquin in May/September. How can I arrange for academic accommodations?
The registration process for CAL is outlined here
Once you have completed the Request for Support Form, you can contact You will then be contacted by the CAL Coordinator of Intake, Assessment and Outreach.
How will I meet with CAL staff if I cannot meet them in person?
Most appointments with CAL staff will be offered using the Zoom software. You will receive an invitation to connect to the meeting, which will be sent to your Algonquin Live email account. Visit this website for a Zoom Video Conferencing Tool Guide.
How will I sign documents remotely?
Documents can be signed remotely and securely through ADOBE Sign.
For more information on sending documents to CAL securely, please read the How to Register process.
How can I prepare for my initial meeting with a CAL Disabilities Counsellor?
In advance of your meeting, you can take some time to review information available on the Preparing for Your First Appointment with a Disabilities Counsellor page.
Watch the 4 videos to help you become more familiar with CAL Services. You will also see key information about how to prepare for the appointment and how your information is kept confidential.
How will I know if I can manage to do my spring/summer semester partly online and partly on campus?
It’s important to talk with the Coordinator of your program to ask any questions you may have about program expectations and how content will be delivered. Find your Program Coordinator here.
As well, you can check out the Student Learning Kit for resources relating to learning remotely.
How can I get a copy of a student’s Letter of Accommodation (LOA)?
LOA’s must either be provided to faculty directly by the student or by CAL at the request of the student. This is done to ensure student confidentiality.
Students can download a copy of their LOA at the following link:
Students can also e-mail their CAL Disabilities Counsellor and request that a copy be sent to professors on their behalf.
I don’t have access to the LOA’s that were provided by my students – can CAL provide a list of my students who are seeking accommodations?
CAL cannot provide a list of students with LOA’s or the LOA’s themselves to ensure student confidentiality. This information must be provided by students or at the request of each student to CAL.
You can request students via Brightspace announcements to e-mail you a copy of their LOA.
Students can download a copy of their LOA at the following link:
Students can also e-mail their CAL Disabilities Counsellor and request that a copy be sent on their behalf.
What is my responsibility regarding the Letters of Accommodation that I have received?
The Letter of Accommodation (LOA) identifies the accommodations that have been approved by a CAL Disabilities Counsellor and a student is specifically requesting for that course.
Faculty should consider the academic accommodations listed in the LOA as official requests. Students should not have to ask each time they would like an accommodation, unless the accommodation is worded as “”May require…”” or “”Will request occasional…””).
These accommodations have been vetted by CAL to ensure that the College is compliant with the Ontario Human Rights Code.
Will CAL Test Services still be available to administer tests and exams that require an accommodation, such as extended time?
Because all on-campus activity was suspended March 16, all CAL Test Services activities have also been suspended. Students who had previously booked their tests (and professors who confirmed those tests) have also had those test bookings removed from the CAL Test Portal and services will not resume until on-campus services re-start.
CAL Test Services is ready and willing to help administer those accommodations that can be administered remotely, such as reading and scribing tests via Zoom.
Will students with a Test accommodation on their LOA, such as extended time on tests, still be entitled to those accommodations if CAL Test Services is unavailable?
Many LOAs include an accommodation for additional time for Test (e.g., “Extended Time (50% more)”). Prior to Covid-19, students could manage this accommodation by arranging to complete their tests in the CAL Test Services. However, the suspension of all on-campus services has meant that CAL Test Services has suspended all accommodated Test services. Faculty will now be asked for extended time to be added to the remotely-administered tests for all students with this accommodation on their LOA – typically by adjusting the test administration settings on Brightspace.
How do I provide a student with extra time on a test being delivered through Brightspace?
Consider whether tight time restrictions are necessary for this test or if extended or open time limits can be provided to all students. If this is not possible, faculty can add extra time to a test for a specific students in Brightspace through the following process: Enter Course in Brightspace>Proceed to: Activities>Quizzes>Select Quiz of Choice (click on the test for which you want to adjust time) >Restrictions>Allow special access>Indicate the student, etc.
As I shift my courses to an online delivery modality, how can I ensure that they are accessible?
Algonquin’s Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) has compiled resources to help faculty transition courses to the online format and many of these methods include considerations for accessibility.
See these resources at
In particular, check out the section titled “Creating Accessible Content”.
What are some ways that I can help to accommodate note taking for students during online lectures?
Students may have the accommodation of recording their lectures. This can be accomplished by providing students with a copy of the content for each lecture, such as a recording of the lecture or a copy of your presentation.
To allow a student to record your Zoom Lecture: Please see this link:
If you scroll through the site, you will find a title, “Assigning Recording Privileges to a Participant”
You can find other tips about developing and sharing your course content for learners on Brightspace at:
Algonquin’s Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) has compiled a resources to help faculty transition courses to the online format and many of these methods include considerations for accessibility. See those at:
How do I make a picture/photo accessible for individuals using screen readers?
Any information that is presented visually (e.g., pictures, charts, or graphs) needs to be described, typically using the alt text features in software such as Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. You can find more information on alt text here:
How do I make sure my videos are accessible?
Ensure video length is adequate to meet the goals of the activity without being too large to restrict users’ ability to download the file on computers with lower bandwidths.
A written transcript/closed captioning can be provided for video files through YouTube.
Review YouTube’s ability to create automatic captioning (
Review how to add your own subtitles & closed captions to videos on YouTube (
Watch a video about How to use YouTube’s Auto Caption Feature (
Watch a tutorial about YouTube Auto Generated Subtitles (
Be aware of the keyboard shortcuts for using YouTube: video (, text (
Video Player is required, but is compatible with multiple operating systems and requires only a standard, free plug in.
How do I support alternative presentation accommodations?
If your course requires students to complete a presentation, there are several options for allowing students to complete a remote presentation live, including Zoom, Camtasia, or iMovie. When a student’s LOA indicates alternatives to classroom presentations, you can reach out to the student directly to discuss their needs. You can also reach out to the student’s assigned Disabilities Counsellor if needed. If appropriate, consider other options such as the use of a Graphic Organizer, written presentation or other suitable ideas, as well as any suggestions from your learners, which still allow you to assess essential learning outcomes.
If I have questions about how to provide an accommodation, who can I contact in CAL to problem solve?
The name of the Disabilities Counsellor is always provided on the Letter of Accommodation and you may contact them directly to get clarification on any aspect of the LOA.
You can also contact the CAL Faculty Liaison, Bonney Hunt, to discuss strategies for how to meet specific accommodations at At the Pembroke Campus please contact Jeff Isles at
Can students continue to register for the Centre for Accessible Learning?
Students have experienced significant changes to course-delivery methodology and their normal support systems. As a result, those students with permanent disabilities that are not currently registered with CAL may decide that they will require academic accommodations to successfully complete this semester.
Students may continue to register with CAL, particularly as they identify how the changes to their program delivery methodology impact their specific functional limitations.
Students who request academic accommodations due to a disability or a suspected disability, but do not have a current LOA, can contact CAL through and they will be contacted by the CAL Coordinator of Intake, Assessment and Outreach.
What should faculty do if a student with an LOA prior to Covid-19 is now requesting accommodations that are not on their LOA; such as extensions on assignments?
Given the amount of change that students have experienced since March 16, CAL recommends that faculty should strive to be flexible and reasonable when responding to student requests for accommodations. This could apply to students already registered with CAL with LOAs, to students who are experiencing a change in health status who do not have an LOA, and for students who are simply struggling to adapt to the new learning environment.
How can faculty be flexible in the way they provide academic accommodations without compromising learning outcomes or academic standards?
Determining how to accommodate a student without sacrificing learning outcomes or professional standards can be challenging. We also recognize that Faculty are juggling a lot at the moment and applying academic accommodations can significantly add to their workload.
Bonney Hunt ( is the CAL Faculty Advisor and is available to help identify methods to suitably accommodate students without over-burdening Faculty or sacrificing standards.
If a student has the accommodation for occasional extensions, how do I extend a deadline for an assignment that is submitted through Brightspace?
Consider if deadlines should be extended for all learners as a result of becoming accustomed to the change to online learning. Set deadlines on Brightspace can be altered: Activities > Assignments > Select assignment of choice > Edit Assignment > Restrictions > Alter the due date and availability > Save and Close. Deadlines can be altered for individual learners through Brightspace: Activities > Assignments > Select assignment of choice > Add Users to Special Access Update due date > Input learner name(s) > Save and Close
What document types are most accessible?
Consider the question “How accessible is my material?” Use the Algonquin College link to Accessible Resources
Additional Accessibility Resources:
If I have an in-class assignment that I am now delivering through Brightspace as a timed assessment, should I provide students who have access to extra time on tests as an accommodation with extra time on this type of assignment?
Consider whether tight time restrictions are necessary for this assignment, or if extended or open time limits can be provided to all students. If this is not possible, this type of timed assignment can put students in a similar situation as they face when being tested. If extra time is deemed to be necessary, set deadlines on Brightspace can be altered: Activities > Assignments > Select assignment of choice > Edit Assignment > Restrictions > Alter the due date and availability > Save and Close. Deadlines can be altered for individual learners through Brightspace: Activities > Assignments > Select assignment of choice > Add Users to Special Access Update due date > Input learner name(s) > Save and Close
Where can I get information about CAL and how to provide academic accommodations for my students?
Visit here for an update on CAL Services and academic accommodations, which includes additional CAL-specific FAQs
What should I consider to ensure that my course is accessible?
In an academic environment, accommodations that support learner variability can take many forms. Accommodation for each learner involves a collaboration between the course instructor, the learner and a variety of talented members of the Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) team. Find out more here.
Are CAL students using Zoom?
Yes, most students are now using Zoom. Please make Zoom easier for CAL students by communicating through announcements on Brightspace or email and explain how to access Zoom. You can direct them to the Zoom Classroom, under the Tools menu in the course navigation bar, or you can copy and paste this link into an announcement or an email:
Can a professor design tests and exams with extra time available for all students and not just CAL?
Yes, professors can prepare tests and exams that do not require all the available time to complete. A standard rule of thumb for extra time accommodation is time and a half, so for a three (3) hour class or testing time, the test would be designed to be completed in two (2) hours. Providing extra time for all learners removes some barriers by allowing them to remain with the instructor during the test rather than having them take the test at another time. The extra time also supports learners with variability that is not visible, such as anxiety.
What other tools for learning are available for CAL students?
Brightspace and Zoom are the two main recommended tools now. Please look at the Algonquin College Tools for Delivery section on the web for more information.
How can we ensure academic integrity during exams? What online proctoring solutions are available?
At this time, it is suggested that instructors try to find alternatives to tests for assessments in their courses. Information is available on the Academic Contingency Plan Worksheet site for alternative delivery.
There are many options for re-thinking your final exam, using a variety of alternative online assessment methods.
For courses and programs that are regulated, and require a proctored final examination, Honorlock is the solution that has been deployed to proctor your exams. Honorlock is an online proctoring service that allows students to take their exam/tests from the comfort of their home. They do not need to create an account, download software or schedule an appointment in advance. Honorlock is available 24/7 and all that is needed is a computer, a working webcam, a stable internet connection, and the Chrome browser with the Honorlock extension. More details can be found on the Learning and Teaching Services (LTS) site.
How can I provide support for CAL students during exams?
Be available. Let students know how to contact you. If the student contacts you, they expect a quick response. Consider setting extra hours where you will be available to respond to students with accommodated extra time. Try to respond quickly to inquiries.
Know that some students may not feel comfortable trying to explain what they do not understand. It can be helpful to let them know that you are willing to accept questions by email. Even if it is too cumbersome to answer by email, you can always use the emailed question as a starting point for an online explanation.
How can professors ensure that their test/exam is accessible?
Microsoft Office has tools to make content accessible for all learners. Read the guides below for quick how-to information, and consider the advice in the checklist documents.
- A step-by-step guide to making Word documents accessible
- Accessible Word document checklist created by Queens University
- A step-by-step guide on how to make your PowerPoint presentations accessible
- Accessible PowerPoint presentation checklist created by Queens University
Brightspace Accessibility
Brightspace has built-in features that support access for all learners. The resources below discuss how to leverage Brightspace’s accessibility tools.
- Brightspace Accessibility Checker – Short video
- Step-by-step guide on how to use the Accessibility Checker in Brightspace
- Six tips on how to create an accessible online course
Closed Captioning
We encourage the use of Zoom for making videos and for video conferencing with learners. Zoom has an easy-to-use closed captioning and transcription feature that helps you provide alternative text resources.
A step-by-step video on how to create captioning and transcripts for Zoom recordings
Please ensure that all documents are accessible and formatting is appropriate. Please refer to the following websites for creating accessible documents:
The primary reading tool the college uses is Read & Write Gold, but we also use Natural Reader. This software is available to all professors and students.
Please see this video by AC Assistive Technologist Jay Timms about downloading Read &Write.
How do I make a photo accessible for students that use screen readers?
- Add alternative text to graphics and images.
- Avoid text boxes, Word Art and watermarks, as they are inaccessible to screen readers.
- Everything you need to know to write effective alt text
Is CAL Testing Services available to help administer tests and exams that require other accommodations?
Professors are able to accommodate extra time in Brightspace. CAL Test Services can help administer testing accommodations that can be provided online remotely, such as reading and scribing via Zoom.
How to allow access to a Reading Tool in a Brightspace Test?
Under Optional Advanced Properties, you will see a checkbox that allows you to Disable right click. Please make sure this box is not checked. Checking this box will prevent students from using a text reader program.
Read & Write for testing is not working in Brightspace?
Read & Write has a Screenshot Reader tool that allows students to read almost anything on their screen. Please be aware that if you have Disable right-click for the exam, the only option left for the student will be to use the Screenshot Reader feature and it will take more time for the students to complete their test.
How are students booking their exams with accommodations if we are not on campus?
Instructors can setup testing with accommodations through Brightspace and communicate this with the students. CAL Test Services is also booking tests for accommodations that can be provided online remotely, such as reading and scribing via Zoom.
I am not sure if any of my students require accommodations for final exams, what do I do?
Please refer to the letter of accommodation provided by your student and set up the student’s exams accordingly in Brightspace.
A CAL student is asking to write their exam at a different time, why is this?
Please check the student’s LOA and connect with the student as they may have a conflict with another exam. If a schedule conflict arises, please resolve these issues with the student as soon as possible. Only professors can determine whether a student can make alternative arrangements.
How can I prevent students to access unauthorized material or communicating with others?
Please setup your test/exam guidelines and communicate this to the students. In addition, the following website has detailed information about supporting Learners:
If I have further questions, whom can I contact about Academic Accommodations?
The name of the Disability Counsellor is on the Letter of Accommodations and you may contact them directly; alternatively, you may contact the Faculty Liaison, at CAL, Bonney Hunt x5581/ It is important that all faculty honour any approved accommodations. If you have questions or concerns about academic accommodation, please discuss these directly with the Academic Chair/Academic Manager and/or the Disabilities Counsellor in CAL; not with the student.
Learners and employees should monitor the main Coronavirus webpage below and check their College email and Brightspace accounts regularly. We thank everyone for your continued patience and understanding as we respond to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation.
Visit for more information